Considering the 2013 Color of the Year is: PANTONE 17-5641 Emerald ...
Retrieved by Pat Darnell | Dec 21, 2013 | Bryan TX

Today, as the Winter Solstice 2013 rolls by, I begin the unbelievable task of painting the walls in our living room. Six months ago, we had to get rid of all our old couches because of a "bed bug" attack; a pulverizing, ignoble, soul crushing event. Yes, I have not posted much on the
bed bug incident of 2013 because it is traumatic, and believe you me, you never want that in your lives. We dangerously almost lost all our minds.
But, undaunted, we recently purchased new couches and chair, and I will now attempt to find the perfect color to tie all our new furniture together. Do we want a bold statement, or a fashionable color blast, or subdued understated effect in our living space?
Ready to Paint a Room? 7 Mistakes You Don't Want to Make | Decorating Guide - Yahoo Shine: "There's power in paint. When done correctly, a fresh coat of paint will make a room feel clean, cozy, and bright. But a bad paint decision can make a room feel small, busy, or drab. Choosing the right paint color now becomes especially important when you eventually decide sell your home; as some paint colors can turn off potential home buyers, while others can add value. Read on for common mistakes people make when choosing interior paint colors and how to avoid making them yourself. Paint on!"
'via Blog this'

Since we don't want our rooms to look like book covers, we can think of the
Pantone's as accessory colors, don't you think? The empirical claim by colorists is that different colors create sometimes opposing psychometric responses from people.
Because our floor plan is an open plan, we will need to use one color to tie all the rooms together. Too many themes will make the house gaudy.

And, I have to face it, there is something alluring to being fashionable right? If I look at art, paintings, and I do, I see palettes of colors, such as these in the sidebar, being used in landscapes.
Pantone has done a good job in its "
color of the year's" campaign. But, I don't want to take
Pantone's word as law; I must embrace the psychology of the members of my family.
We have two children living at home. Number six child is crazy for gaming, so that is stoic backgrounds with highlights; his older sister is crazy for pink and black. I think these are stages they are going through, but I must adopt some of that demeanor, or they might feel uneasy while lounging.
My wife just wants something besides the beige that we inherited in the buying of our home. But she very much likes this painting, which has a very definite color palette, decided on by me, but I can't remember exactly what I did there.

It is harmonious for a reason, but it was long ago, and while it hangs in the Dining Room, I should follow this color scheme. Right?
Woe is me.
If I think too much on this subject, walls will never get painted.
NEXT WEEK: Should I consider texture, or just make it satin-y?
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