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Sunday, February 02, 2025

dRumpf = Failure = Fact

Sure, Donknald vonShizenpants Jessica Gropenfuhrer dRumpf as elected to his second term, will be doing really stupid stuff for two years, but like all other two-term potus, dRumpf last two years he will be a lame duck. He will be even more useless than he is today. 

 Here is a factoid: dRumpf is a failure. He fails at every task he tries. He remains on the TV screen because of his fatal, non hero bumbling mumbling persona. Goober is good TV, they say.


 We, the voting citizens, admittedly most often favor the underdog in political, athletic, or business situations. Hey, I've been an Astros, and Cubs fan all my life. I enjoy their combined world series wins of 4? … or 3… point is — presented with the fact dRumpf is a failure does not phase more than half the voting population in America. The majority of Americans are empowered by felonious leaders. The other half of us watched this crap go down.

 Watch carefully as dRumpf piddles away his time as leader of fascist sympathizer groups of  Americans. 

But to our defense, we middle fortuitous Americans have absorbed every kind of stupid thing made up by ‘asinine policy-maker idea-men’ that you can think of. Such as the Civil War 1865, the KKK, Nuclear backyard survival bunkers in the 60s, assassinations JFK, MLK, RFK, MALCOLM, ... and prepping again with bunkers, NRA, AARP, communism, corporate raiding, nationalizing oil industry, selling chunks of USA to China, demolition and murder on 9/11, W, X, Malibu, and others, marxism, stalinism, ,… all really stupid failures of ideas that are absorbed by the middle Americans and pooped out. We gird our loins, and build everything back stronger.

Donknald vonShizenpants Jessica Gropenfuhrer dRumpf and his nazi's have bit off more than they can chew. It just hurts to have to wait for two more years. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Betrayal by Insider Corporate Elites

    There are 74 million people in the USA who live outside of our laws. A nation of outlaws. And 70 million people who say they abide, but everyone seems to have a side hustle.

    Me? I'm dirt poor because I have followed all the rules.

    Please understand that our federal government is totally out of touch. Our justice system is overly codified to a point of idiocy. Too many incompetent lawyers. And congress is all about the money, democrats found a way to raise a billion bucks in four months!
    That is all Pelosi cares about.

    The exec is a figurehead, with too much lee-way to appoint heads of departments, rather than be elected by the will of the people. Of, for, by the people ... we are still waiting.
    The other part of your question, about Xtians. The meek shall inherit the earth. Is this provocative or something positive? I personally don't want to appear meek, do you? Provoked, I will fight. But being magnanimous about conflicts earns us the earth somehow. 

    Drumpf and his followers are not meek. They are neither full of long-suffering nor kind-patience. They are sinners and twerps with potential to become saints and non-twerps, that is like when Paul falls off his horse and is blinded to become aware that they are twerps is when they begin to know the mind of christ.

    Hey I'm here all the time Guys guys guys .... 

    We have thrown everything at Donknald vonschizenpants that can be thrown at a person for over twelve years!

    We are deluded to think that any sort of USA governing entity is going to NOT FUMBLE like a bunch of dodos, who are by the way also extinct.

The majority of voters are obviously criminally insane and behind all their dealings are felonies. 

We have been betrayed by our own government. Think of how many households half of our voters is! Our justice system is a laughing stock. There are too many life time judges, and way too many lawyers. I have never met a lawyer who can qualify to represent me in court. I'm skipping your podcasts for the duration. If Drumpf goes to jail, then I might consider again listening to apologetic lawyers. Good bye. Feeling absolutely betrayed!

Saturday, June 13, 2020


We men write poems
as if we are going
to be pinched
or scorned

You women write
like bored cats
pondering a mouse only
a foot away, easy prey

We men are felled, drained,
ears always trained
in urgent need to find
an end from the start

You women carry water
in pails on your heads
none splashing out
and no dust at your feet

We men say thunder
and bloody tempest
and "Gung Ho"

you women say dunner
and did you see
today's sunset "Oh!"

We men say heart
You say soul
And we say "Hell"
and "What is that about!"

We men hear a scream
and run to heed

You women bear a child
and turn to one another

We men are dodgy dads
and trust no others --
You, women,
...are mothers

I was in New Orleans

        1. I was in New Orleans

        2. Drinking hurricanes

Most natural thing to do
"You are disturbing
Our performers, Sir..."
"if it continues,
You’ll have to leave"
A waiter said to me
  Poison brings me
Closer to Jesus
"Sir, you will have to leave
If you continue to wave
And weave
But—where am I?
I was in New Orleans
Living a no regrets life --
Thief comes anyway
Only to kill, steal and destroy
And takes my valuables away
  "..Sir, you are still there
  but I’m sorry you must stop
or you will have to leave
Do I have to cross
That old rickety bridge
..Old rusted metal
Crickety bridge to
Get out of here?
  "I don’t know Sir;
…if you keep falling
Out of your chair
You must depart
I drank three hurricanes
Before I angled in here
To sit through this Ike
Allison and Katrin’ despair

Oh, or do you mean the singer
When he broke a string
Did I do that?
Did I do that, you see
Because I’m here
  "I cannot, Sir,Give any reprieve
  Nor answer your  Lust for poison...
  Sir,  Now, consider the door
I’ve been hearing that
A lot lately –Yep --
That I have to leave
You know I have
Heard all this before

I don’t remember
How ‘xactly it ends
Spirit keeps me alive
While solvents burn
My insides dry
Like a gourd

Coursing through me
Grizzle and bones
Till I have to go
And find my way home

I want first bite
Of every night
Not just a slice
After everyone else
  "Okay, are you going
To go now, Sir...
  Here is the door
Can I not just sit here
One moment more
For men and for God

I fought
to hold the weight
I climbed and tore
At walls, I bore
Into dams
I held resentment in
in my hands
held jealous
To my path…

To my path
So that I am here
A friend to this place
Tho' poisoned patron
A real hard Hurri-case

  "Of your stay here I have foreknowledge No --
  though your condition I see in triplicate
  Less illusion More legitimate
  Truthfully -- Face your poison you ignoble man
  Zenobly, leave boldly,

  Day will bring all to soon memories back again."

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A Fantastically Flawed Script for a Jazz Rock Opera -- "GAZA"

A Fantastically Flawed Script for a Jazz Rock Opera -- "GAZA"
GAZA by Pat Darnell for the Age of Attritionally Challenged

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