Latest news from around Peoria Unified school
Nov. 26, 2007 08:10 AM
PEORIA UNIFIED ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSalta loma elmentaryIn honor of Veterans Day, eighth-graders in Zoe Seymour's language arts class wrote letters to patients at Carl Hayden Veterans Administration Hospital. The letters, which extended good wishes and expressions of gratitude, were delivered to the hospital on Veterans Day. Additionally, all eighth-graders Civics students wrote letters to recuperating soldiers at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington D.C.
Nov. 26, 2007 08:10 AM
PEORIA UNIFIED ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSalta loma elmentaryIn honor of Veterans Day, eighth-graders in Zoe Seymour's language arts class wrote letters to patients at Carl Hayden Veterans Administration Hospital. The letters, which extended good wishes and expressions of gratitude, were delivered to the hospital on Veterans Day. Additionally, all eighth-graders Civics students wrote letters to recuperating soldiers at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington D.C.
Deadline approaching for sending care packages to troops
Check before you buy; toiletry items already overstockedGANNETT NEWS SERVICE
MUNCIE, Ind. -- Want to send Christmas cards or care packages to troops this holiday season?
Think twice about addressing those gifts to "A Recovering American soldier" care of Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
MUNCIE, Ind. -- Want to send Christmas cards or care packages to troops this holiday season?
Think twice about addressing those gifts to "A Recovering American soldier" care of Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
In a press release on its Web site, Walter Reed recently announced the medical center will not be accepting such packages because of safety and security concerns for patients and staff.
Handouts with the "A Recovering American soldier" address were given out locally during recent Veterans Day ceremonies. Jerry Griffis, veterans affairs officer for Delaware County, has fielded calls from people concerned about the issue.
Because the Department of Defense discourages the publishing of lists of names of troops stationed overseas, presents and greetings to troops can be given via any of the non-profit groups supported by the state's Veterans' Service Officers' Association, Griffis said. A list of those agencies, which can provide everything from gift certificates to groceries for the troops, can be found at
Handouts with the "A Recovering American soldier" address were given out locally during recent Veterans Day ceremonies. Jerry Griffis, veterans affairs officer for Delaware County, has fielded calls from people concerned about the issue.
Because the Department of Defense discourages the publishing of lists of names of troops stationed overseas, presents and greetings to troops can be given via any of the non-profit groups supported by the state's Veterans' Service Officers' Association, Griffis said. A list of those agencies, which can provide everything from gift certificates to groceries for the troops, can be found at
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Soldiers' combat stress takes time to surface, study finds
12 days ago on Los Angeles Times
... long-term mental health problems that afflicted many soldiers who fought in Vietnam, said Dr. Charles S. Milliken of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, who led the study. "We know from civilian studies and others . . . that if you can get to these...
12 days ago on Los Angeles Times
... long-term mental health problems that afflicted many soldiers who fought in Vietnam, said Dr. Charles S. Milliken of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, who led the study. "We know from civilian studies and others . . . that if you can get to these...

For many, depression, stress and relationship trouble don't show up until months after soldiers return, a study shows. The finding may help prevent the problems suffered by many Vietnam vets.
By Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer November 14, 2007
The stress and depression caused by combat in Iraq often don't appear until a few months after a soldier has returned home, researchers reported today.Six months after their deployment ended, the number of soldiers referred for mental health care was nearly three times as high as when they first returned, and the number reporting relationship problems with their families and others had quadrupled, according to results from a new screening tool used by the military to assess the... click on this link:,1,2561788.story?track=rss&ctrack=1&cset=true
By Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer November 14, 2007
The stress and depression caused by combat in Iraq often don't appear until a few months after a soldier has returned home, researchers reported today.Six months after their deployment ended, the number of soldiers referred for mental health care was nearly three times as high as when they first returned, and the number reporting relationship problems with their families and others had quadrupled, according to results from a new screening tool used by the military to assess the... click on this link:,1,2561788.story?track=rss&ctrack=1&cset=true
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