Thus, my decision for 2008 and my own voice over Internet protocols will become sweeter. You can bet my prioroty is my output at lowest cost. I want to find suitable communication Tech-nique to get around contracts and phone plans, text advertising, scams and folderole of the like.
I will not however ease up on blogging. I realize MooPigWisdom is a single sided perspective editorial, me,,,and mine -- but at least I am old and opinionated. Old means Wise, didn't you know?

Appearing here as December grinds down, more information on my communications Jones, that I seek, as I find answers to questions; will be a study for us all. So keep you ear to the tracks, and your nose to the wind; the wolves will be vigilante, you can

For instance:
Why is there bad cellular service in Brazos Valley?
Why can I hear you, but can't see you?
Is this all there is?
What is Text-ing supposed to do?
Which devices are recently gone the way of the pager/beeper?
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