[Picture LINK] " ... Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation... "
Pajamas Media » The Five Most Catastrophic Hidden Costs of the Obama Presidency: "Kyle-Anne Shiver is an independent journalist and a frequent contributor to American Thinker. She welcomes your comments "
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EXCERPT | " ... But as all litigators worth their salt wind up telling every claims-award jury, the most catastrophic costs to victims are those which are less tangible and remain hidden from cursory view. We recognize this litigious category as “pain and suffering.”
So, on behalf of my fellow Americans, here is my [Kyle-Anne Shiver] list of the 5 most horrendous hidden costs of the Obama presidency:
5. President Obama’s pass-the-buck, blame-it-on-the-other-guy, it-was-just-bad-luck performance as a no-account “leader” sends a horrible message to our youth.
4. ObamaCare Lawsuits by more than half the states at a combined hidden cost of thousands of dollars per hour – per hour!
3. Obama’s federal regulations, growing like kudzu in uncontrolled, maniacal frenzy, form a stranglehold on American business.
2. The specter of uncertainty haunts every American in Obama’s Changeopoly Blitzkrieg.
1. The Great Demoralization of America under Obama. (Shiver, K-A. Aug 24, 2011) ... "
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" ...
- The staggeringly high unemployment rate – 9.1%, not counting the Americans who have given up looking for work or who are underemployed.
- The still-tumbling housing values, now worse than the Great Depression.
- The inflation indicators, with uncounted sharp inflation in food and gasoline.
- The debt and the deficit, now too big to even fathom without an advanced degree in mathematics.
- The unfunded future liabilities –Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, public worker pensions, and the like.
- When the SandP downgrade is thrown into this cliff-hanging mix, our fiscal situation goes from bad to worse. (ibid.) ... "
Reader's COMMENT: by babydoc
EXCERPT | " ... Obama, if actually trying to be a good American president, is an abyssmal failure. If he is an agent of the Cloward-Piven strategy [See: also HERE --2008, HERE -- 2010, and HERE --2009] ... to collapse our constitutional republic, he has been frighteningly successful.
Health care is not a right, unless you believe that all physicians, nurses, pharmacists and technicians are nothing more than slaves to the uneducated masses.
Employment is not a right either. An employer has to hire an employee, and the crushing costs imposed upon entrepeneurs by our socialist pseudo-intellectual politicians have been making such hiring ever closer to impossible with each new counterproductive federal regulation. It is, in fact, the federal spending (for the sole purpose of buying the votes of the uneducated, the lazy, and the covetous) that is destroying the greatest national economy in the history of the world.
Even if you taxed everyone earning more than $200,000/year at 100%, you would only raise an additional $70 billion dollars – which is a freaking rounding error in an Obama budget with deficits each year of his misrule of between $1.29 and $1.65 TRILLION!
If you think the disgustingly misnamed ‘progressive’ ideology works so well, then why don’t you move to Greece, Spain, Cuba, North Korea or some similar country that lives by your preferred economic slavery?
Let those of us mature enough to know that one must EARN one’s income through hard work and due diligence – and be allowed to keep said income rather than have it stolen by slimey political plantation owners – have our liberty as our Constitution so beautifully states.
I cannot wait for the communist currently occupying the White House to be voted out of office, and I hope all his Keynesian acolytes remain unemployed for the rest of our national welfare. (babydoc. Aug 24, 2011. LINK)
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