Feb. 25, 2007, 11:13 PM Desperados celebrate ride to the rodeo
By SHELBY HODGE Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle
THOSE feisty Desperados — after Saturday's rodeo parade through downtown, 60 or so of the Salt Grass Trail Ride team meandered over to Pecos Grill to whoop it up at a trail's end celebration.
The Desperados begin their annual cowboy gig in Cat Spring, where they saddle up for the 100-mile trek into town and ultimately into the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo parade. Saturday, the die-hards continued the party, as has been tradition for 20 years, with a post-parade lunch.

It's something of a family affair with the Desperados. Welcome's daughter, Cindi Wilson, is club secretary, and his nephew, Ryan Wasaff, is president. They were all on hand Saturday afternoon for the feast of steaks and trimmings organized by lunch chair Dixie Christian.
Toasted for making their inaugural trek with the Desperados were rookie riders including Vicki Pappas of the restaurant clan, fashion designer Vanessa Riley and contractor Tiffanie Purvis.
The partying bunch included Western-wear designer Pat Dahnke and daughter Tara, Sara Getch Fletcher, Joe Martin, Michelle Wasaff, former Houston Police Chief Harry Caldwell and wife Joan, Joe Heard and Tim Wald.
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