Thanks for sharing the definition of ‘Hobosexual’ with me. It is a very good word to know. I wonder if we could say that a hobosexual is green compared to a metrosexual? I think so; in that case wouldn’t hobosexual be more politically correct than metrosexual?
I must admit that I share your love of words. I get word of the day from “Doctor Dictionary” at http://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/ . It is sent to my e-mail daily with a new word. Keeps the mind sharp.
Jewels -- "God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die." — Bill Watterson —
Subject: Fwd: Urban Word of the Day: Hobosexual
Dear Ones:I am a quasi-hobo at heart, in that I always thought "how would it be to travel the rails and make it through the chaos that pervades...etc?"
Of course it is obviously fashionable now to be Hoboken. I get the Urban Dictionary Word of the day, and this one is funny to me, so I'm sharing it with you.
Viv' le open source!!!!! >>Pat
moopigwisdom.blogspot.com-----Original Message-----From: daily@urbandictionary.com To: patdarnell@aol.com Sent: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 6:00 am Subject: Urban Word of the Day: Hobosexual http://www.urbandictionary.com/

"A former co-worker of mine has a word she applies to good ole boys who try to dress like urbanites; she calls them Jethrosexuals." Chris Range at December 04, 2007
I hate to pick on you HS, MS, Emos, and JS... but
"Liz Says: December 27th, 2006 at 2:56 am
It’s hard to grin and bear those male types whose stops include Starbucks, Carl’s Jr. and AM/PM, where working out is an afterthought for the shape they look to be in."
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