1986 to 2009
By Pat Darnell and the Herd
The Pope goes to Africa. He stands before one million Africans in a white garb and a pointy hat. He says to all the mothers of Africa... "Condoms alone will not save you from AIDS."
The Pope is actually halfway correct. Though his followup is shaky -- "Abstinence, my children. That is the only sure way to prevent contracting AIDS..."
The truth is that condoms alone, in a population that has no resources for prevention or long term health care of innocent victims, will not prevent any epidemic of a sexually transmitted disease. This disorder appears in human history many times.
The Catholic Church rejects the use of condoms as part of its overall teaching against artificial contraception. Senior Vatican officials have advocated fidelity in marriage and abstinence from premarital sex as key weapons in the fight against AIDS.Three-quarters of all AIDS deaths worldwide in 2007 were in sub-Saharan Africa, where some 22 million people are infected with HIV — accounting for two-thirds of the world's infections, according to UNAIDS. (VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer Victor L. Simpson, Associated Press Writer; On Africa trip, pope says condoms won't solve AIDS – Tue Mar 17, [SOURCE])
The late Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo made headlines in 2003 for saying that condoms may help spread AIDS through a false sense of security, claiming they weren't effective in blocking transmission of the virus. The cardinal, who died last year, headed the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family. [SOURCE]
But -- we are exploring the density of this story, right?
Back in 1986, Surgeon General C. Everett Koop spoke the truth when he said “....the best protection against [HIV] infection right now – barring abstinence – is use of a condom. A condom should be used during sexual relations, from start to finish, with anyone who you know or suspect is infected.” Lost in the controversy that has ensued during the two decades that have followed Dr. Koop’s courageous stand is the truth about this innovative piece of medical technology, not so much from intentional misstatement by its opponents as from editing and obfuscation that have confused what is a relatively simple issue. [SOURCE]Without background, this story could never make any sense. Africans think the Pope is making a hard line statement about Catholic Doctrine for anti-birth-control. In truth the Pope is applying logic, statistics and patterns of human behavior to the question of prevention of spreading AIDS in Africa. A condom alone makes no difference in the over all numbers of victims, in a population like Africa's present populace.
A non-US made condom costs 3 cents.... uhhh is there a question about the nonexistent income of a single mother parent... and her vulnerability? African indigenous women, maybe, make three cents a week. How many times-a-week is the matron expected to put out sex? The Pope, God love him, is not half wrong; but the African opposition is 100% wrong. And all the Cardinals are out of the loop. Both abstinence, condoms, and fidelity including no adolescent or premarital sex will slow down AIDS, maybe.
Can I get a witness? This story is DENSE.