[Picture LINK]
What to Do; What to Do...?
Mixed Mashed Articles by Pat Darnell | Oct 27, 2015 | Bryan TX
I am here to bemoan the condition of many of my friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Our condition is remarkably dismal. It now seems forever and a day that I suffer being "large." Every birthday I say to myself "I will not have this girth next year." But two decades of girth not going away has eluded my every mental and physical attempt. How did I get like this? YIKES!
Yes, it runs in my family. Yes, siblings have similar battles. Yes, diet pills turn me into a SHRIEK! Yes, I get twenty-five new "wonder" substance emails every day. I have talked to nutritionists, and reformed fat people, and to a chiropractor. When I was 210 lbs. I thought I was obese. It turns out that is 100 lbs. ago.
After twenty years of it, I now know that this heavy weight is not going to go away without a fight. Most every one says just to make your mind up and eat more healthful. So the question is:
What Foods Do People Eat Healing Their Autoimmune (Bipolar and Arthritis ) Disease Now | My Med Clinic: "The book Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) is an eye opening read about how the environment within the gut can affect a person’s neurology and/or physiology."
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Decades of putting it on has left me in a state of fright. I am not a dummy; I am rather clever, but this girth abides ne'ertheless. Shitty food is more available than righteous food, that is a fact. Hunger is a mood that overrides all other moods.
How and what we eat affects our whole outlooks. Writing about it doesn't seem to help very much; and going to the extreme with detox methods is very expensive.
Moo Pig Wisdom is a brilliant combination of Antiquity and Prequel Modern Flea Market. We respectfully ask you to mind your children while here.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
MooPig Memo Department :: "The Historical Powell Memorandum"
[Picture LINK]
In this Era of Secret Emails: Remember the Secret Memorandum?
Matriculated articles mashed by Pat Darnell | Oct 27, 2015 | Bryan TX
"A Memo to explain American economic system under attack," yes, that is the opening to the Powell Manifesto. Powell's assumption that there is an American Economic System should be the preamble to Powell's ramble. The American financial System is basically a "Boom/Bust" cycle that repeats ad nauseam. Is that a secure system?
Powell Memo also known as the Powell Manifesto or Powell Memorandum: Found in the Memo: ..."Perhaps the single most effective antagonist of American business is Ralph Nader, who — thanks largely to the media — has become a legend in his own time and an idol of millions of Americans. A recent article in Fortune speaks of Nader as follows: “The passion that rules in him — and he is a passionate man — is aimed at smashing utterly the target of his hatred, which is corporate power. He thinks, and says quite bluntly, that a great many corporate executives belong in prison — for defrauding the consumer with shoddy merchandise, poisoning the food supply with chemical additives, and willfully manufacturing unsafe products that will maim or kill the buyer. He emphasizes that he is not talking just about ‘fly-by-night hucksters’ but the top management of blue chip business."... (EGBERTO WILLIES. DECEMBER 26, 2013. LINK )
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Were Ralph Nader not so passionate, he would be sage for us who inherit all of Corporate Dog Ass-ity in America. What a mess in 2015, corporations take from a locale and give absolutely nothing back. And if they advertise that they give back, it is a gambit that you will believe them in their lies.
That's not the only attacker of the American economic system. In his obvious paranoia, Powell claims attacks from:
Powell too often defaults "...survival of what we call the free enterprise system, and all that this means for the strength and prosperity of America and the freedom of our people..." as if American Economy is an established form of business worldwide. Bollocks! If I may, the most recognized form of business world wide is probably "barter." Powell is delusional in his broad stroke discussion of American business. I can only speculate he has no business experience. He was an elitist lawyer politician. Poor old Powell, he thinks America is a nation of collective minded worker bees, who work only to please the "system."
The world would be a better place if Lewis F. Powell, Jr.had not written this secret Memo to the Chamber of Commerce back in 1971. The very system Powell thinks he is defending, American Economic System, has in 2015 developed into a plutocracy, fascist system that takes what it needs from regions and gives nothing back, all for the eternal dividend it pays its stockholder.
Here are the sources listed at the end of Powell's Memo:
"...Although origins, sources and causes are complex and interrelated, and obviously difficult to identify without careful qualification, there is reason to believe that the campus is the single most dynamic source ..." (ibid memorandum. Willies)
Conclusion (Powell's)
In this Era of Secret Emails: Remember the Secret Memorandum?
Matriculated articles mashed by Pat Darnell | Oct 27, 2015 | Bryan TX
"A Memo to explain American economic system under attack," yes, that is the opening to the Powell Manifesto. Powell's assumption that there is an American Economic System should be the preamble to Powell's ramble. The American financial System is basically a "Boom/Bust" cycle that repeats ad nauseam. Is that a secure system?
Powell Memo also known as the Powell Manifesto or Powell Memorandum: Found in the Memo: ..."Perhaps the single most effective antagonist of American business is Ralph Nader, who — thanks largely to the media — has become a legend in his own time and an idol of millions of Americans. A recent article in Fortune speaks of Nader as follows: “The passion that rules in him — and he is a passionate man — is aimed at smashing utterly the target of his hatred, which is corporate power. He thinks, and says quite bluntly, that a great many corporate executives belong in prison — for defrauding the consumer with shoddy merchandise, poisoning the food supply with chemical additives, and willfully manufacturing unsafe products that will maim or kill the buyer. He emphasizes that he is not talking just about ‘fly-by-night hucksters’ but the top management of blue chip business."... (EGBERTO WILLIES. DECEMBER 26, 2013. LINK )
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Were Ralph Nader not so passionate, he would be sage for us who inherit all of Corporate Dog Ass-ity in America. What a mess in 2015, corporations take from a locale and give absolutely nothing back. And if they advertise that they give back, it is a gambit that you will believe them in their lies.
That's not the only attacker of the American economic system. In his obvious paranoia, Powell claims attacks from:
"...The most disquieting voices joining the chorus of criticism come from perfectly respectable elements of society: from the college campus, the pulpit, the media, the intellectual and literary journals, the arts and sciences, and from politicians. In most of these groups the movement against the system is participated in only by minorities. Yet, these often are the most articulate, the most vocal, the most prolific in their writing and speaking..." (ibid. Willies)Then with another broad brush stroke Powell identifies the crux of this bizkit that in 2015 has come to a head:
".. Favorite current targets are proposals for tax incentives through changes in depreciation rates and investment credits. These are usually described in the media as “tax breaks,” “loop holes” or “tax benefits” for the benefit of business. As viewed by a columnist in the Post, such tax measures would benefit “only the rich, the owners of big companies.”The Powell Memo/Manifesto is kaputz. Powell is a Corporate Putz. His Memo is a piece of crap. Anyone who believes this Memo has no credit as they are so far out of the loop of reality, that there is no hope for them.
It is dismaying that many politicians make the same argument that tax measures of this kind benefit only “business,” without benefit to “the poor.” The fact that this is either political demagoguery or economic illiteracy is of slight comfort. This setting of the “rich” against the “poor,” of business against the people, is the cheapest and most dangerous kind of politics...." (ibid. Willies)
Powell too often defaults "...survival of what we call the free enterprise system, and all that this means for the strength and prosperity of America and the freedom of our people..." as if American Economy is an established form of business worldwide. Bollocks! If I may, the most recognized form of business world wide is probably "barter." Powell is delusional in his broad stroke discussion of American business. I can only speculate he has no business experience. He was an elitist lawyer politician. Poor old Powell, he thinks America is a nation of collective minded worker bees, who work only to please the "system."
The world would be a better place if Lewis F. Powell, Jr.had not written this secret Memo to the Chamber of Commerce back in 1971. The very system Powell thinks he is defending, American Economic System, has in 2015 developed into a plutocracy, fascist system that takes what it needs from regions and gives nothing back, all for the eternal dividend it pays its stockholder.
Here are the sources listed at the end of Powell's Memo:
"...Although origins, sources and causes are complex and interrelated, and obviously difficult to identify without careful qualification, there is reason to believe that the campus is the single most dynamic source ..." (ibid memorandum. Willies)
Conclusion (Powell's)
"It hardly need be said that the views expressed above are tentative and suggestive. The first step should be a thorough study. But this would be an exercise in futility unless the Board of Directors of the Chamber accepts the fundamental premise of this paper, namely, that business and the enterprise system are in deep trouble, and the hour is late."Footnotes (Powell’s)
Variously called: the “free enterprise system,” “capitalism,” and the “profit system.” The American political system of democracy under the rule of law is also under attack, often by the same individuals and organizations who seek to undermine the enterprise system._______________________Reference
Richmond News Leader, June 8, 1970. Column of William F. Buckley, Jr.
N.Y. Times Service article, reprinted Richmond Times-Dispatch, May 17, 1971.
Stewart Alsop, Yale and the Deadly Danger, Newsweek, May 18. 1970.
Editorial, Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 7, 1971.
Dr. Milton Friedman, Prof. of Economics, U. of Chicago, writing a foreword to Dr. Arthur A. Shenfield’s Rockford College lectures entitled “The Ideological War Against Western Society,” copyrighted 1970 by Rockford College.
Fortune. May, 1971, p. 145. This Fortune analysis of the Nader influence includes a reference to Nader’s visit to a college where he was paid a lecture fee of $2,500 for “denouncing America’s big corporations in venomous language . . . bringing (rousing and spontaneous) bursts of applause” when he was asked when he planned to run for President.
The Washington Post, Column of William Raspberry, June 28, 1971.
Jeffrey St. John, The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 1971.
Barron’s National Business and Financial Weekly, “The Total Break with America, The Fifth Annual Conference of Socialist Scholars,” Sept. 15, 1969.
On many campuses freedom of speech has been denied to all who express moderate or conservative viewpoints.
It has been estimated that the evening half-hour news programs of the networks reach daily some 50,000,000 Americans.
One illustration of the type of article which should not go unanswered appeared in the popular “The New York” of July 19, 1971. This was entitled “A Populist Manifesto” by ultra liberal Jack Newfield — who argued that “the root need in our country is ‘to redistribute wealth’.”
The recent “freeze” of prices and wages may well be justified by the current inflationary crisis. But if imposed as a permanent measure the enterprise system will have sustained a near fatal blow.
(ibid. Willies. h/t Reclaim Democracy)
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
MooPig Story Teller's Minute :: "This is my Riff on Babushka"
Let’s call this one the Babushka's Paradox.
Re-run Son of a Gun Pat Darnell | OCT 20, 2015 | Bryan TX
If I have many thoughts roaming in my head while I watch the grass grow in Bryan/College Station, and I feel that any action I take will require money, I simply do not take any action. If I feel the action is warranted then maybe I will act, and if it is pending with danger Post-its all over it, then I will have to act regardless.
This is the definition of my tension, and stress. My life as married man is: commiserating with corollary of need and accomplishment. Sustenance of the married man: sex shat shower shave, and after that limerick of self-preserving, the toil is in finding tricks for staying ahead of the children and pets in their constant shape shifting and urges to emerge.
Babushka was in turmoil because her accomplished ability of preparing for the needs of the present bled over into her future on a tragic basis. She would clean house, organize and prepare for the event to be, but to a degree of neglect of self. I know all mature parents know what I am speaking of.
Because Babushka never factored in the need to sleep after toiling over floors, cabinets and recipes, she fell asleep and missed the camel train to Bethlehem. Our wise men were reticent to wake her the next morning, and left at sun up without her. She then arrived too late to see the swaddled newborn son of man, as she just missed them in their flight from genocide.
It turns out, my present and future plan is to continue as a bureaucrat ossifying in my own bona fide capacity. I will regard my toil as the continued management of the project of married male with children, dog and companion. The bones we pick over now will assuredly be of use to others in the future. I very much look forward to fully confusing readers in the near past, with my spectrum of waiting, watching and pretty much being what I have been.
You see all the projects will have been completed in the multiplicity of our time traveling. So I am not stressed as before about finishing all the tasks, rather I ponder the completion of dreams through the children. >>pd
Re-run Son of a Gun Pat Darnell | OCT 20, 2015 | Bryan TX
If I have many thoughts roaming in my head while I watch the grass grow in Bryan/College Station, and I feel that any action I take will require money, I simply do not take any action. If I feel the action is warranted then maybe I will act, and if it is pending with danger Post-its all over it, then I will have to act regardless.
This is the definition of my tension, and stress. My life as married man is: commiserating with corollary of need and accomplishment. Sustenance of the married man: sex shat shower shave, and after that limerick of self-preserving, the toil is in finding tricks for staying ahead of the children and pets in their constant shape shifting and urges to emerge.
Babushka was in turmoil because her accomplished ability of preparing for the needs of the present bled over into her future on a tragic basis. She would clean house, organize and prepare for the event to be, but to a degree of neglect of self. I know all mature parents know what I am speaking of.
Because Babushka never factored in the need to sleep after toiling over floors, cabinets and recipes, she fell asleep and missed the camel train to Bethlehem. Our wise men were reticent to wake her the next morning, and left at sun up without her. She then arrived too late to see the swaddled newborn son of man, as she just missed them in their flight from genocide.
It turns out, my present and future plan is to continue as a bureaucrat ossifying in my own bona fide capacity. I will regard my toil as the continued management of the project of married male with children, dog and companion. The bones we pick over now will assuredly be of use to others in the future. I very much look forward to fully confusing readers in the near past, with my spectrum of waiting, watching and pretty much being what I have been.
You see all the projects will have been completed in the multiplicity of our time traveling. So I am not stressed as before about finishing all the tasks, rather I ponder the completion of dreams through the children. >>pd
MooPig Brain Industries :: "Do You Like Lists?"
If you like Lists, there are some Tests that you can take
Mixed Mental articles by Pat Darnell | Oct 20, 2015 | Bryan TX
"I don't know what to think," said the mother of her two year old daughter. "She talks in paragraphs already, and looks out for her little brother in the most altruistic manner."
This doesn't sound much like a problem. It sounds like a bonus to having her beautiful little doll-like daughter at her side. I am here to let all parents know, there is no "Normal" child pattern. Pre-schoolers are beings from another time and space. So, lighten up. There is no "narrative" of children because there are no five year old authors. Childrens' books are written and illustrated mainly by adults. No child is writing his memoirs while a child, that is not how they communicate. Blah, blah, blah.
Get this though, most planet-sized-corporational-mega-industrial-conglomerates would bust a hemorrhage to get into a child's head. It would open up markets to exploit, that remain confusing at best to capture. We will soon enter into the Exploits of Brains era.
But at last writers in unflaggingly personal ways, are publishing their daily experience with their own minds:
12 Struggles Of Having An Outgoing Personality But An Anxious Mind: "Outgoing people with anxious minds - or minds that overthink - tend to feel anxiety the most intensely, often because we don't talk about it. And by "often" I mean never."
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MooPig has spent some effort in recognizing humanity's ongoing search for itself. The next hundred years will be the "Brain Age" as humans gaze into their own heads. Leading up to this Brain Age is what Mack Jones, MooPig Editor of Cognitive Dissonance, has termed Brain Industries.
The current way many brain specialists look at your brain requires a personality quiz. They are about $200, and can be taken at any psychologist's office. They do help in determining if you and your brain are depressed, or manically inclined, or both.
"I have exposed myself to these tests, and have become somewhat more tolerant of others," said Mack Jones.
Monday, October 12, 2015
MooPig Site Review :: "TED.com"
11 must-see TED Talks | Playlist | TED.com: "Here's a primer on TED Talks, featuring 11 classic talks on a range of topics — and beloved speakers including Amy Cuddy, Brené Brown, Sir Ken Robinson and Chimamanda Adichie. Find your next favorite talk ..."
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Tuesday, October 06, 2015
Sunday Funnies "Blind and Dumb Man Blues"
MEME from 2013 ... we have been subjected to this diseased human's flatulence for two whole years
Unless referenced with a LINK or caption, Sunday Funnies is a bunch of pirated MEME's from faecesBook, YouTuber, Tweet'um and Tweet'um dee, Redditt, and other places where sources have been lost and are unknown. Give 'em Hell Henry. If you are offended then ASWC ... ask someone who cares.
MooPig Followup Department :: "Cliven Bundy and Stuff"
Old News
Facebook Posts Reveal Vegas Shooter Thought Bundy Ranch Was 'Start Of Revolution': "The couple who allegedly shot and killed two Las Vegas police officers and then killed another person Sunday [June 7th, 2015] before killing themselves have been identified as Jerad and Amanda Miller, according to multiple news reports. While neighbors had already pegged the couple as supporters of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who has been facing off with the federal government in recent months, a review of what appears to be Jerad Miller's Facebook page reveals someone who has long harbored extreme anti-government views and saw the Bundy Ranch standoff as a possible start to a revolution."
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Facebook Posts Reveal Vegas Shooter Thought Bundy Ranch Was 'Start Of Revolution': "The couple who allegedly shot and killed two Las Vegas police officers and then killed another person Sunday [June 7th, 2015] before killing themselves have been identified as Jerad and Amanda Miller, according to multiple news reports. While neighbors had already pegged the couple as supporters of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who has been facing off with the federal government in recent months, a review of what appears to be Jerad Miller's Facebook page reveals someone who has long harbored extreme anti-government views and saw the Bundy Ranch standoff as a possible start to a revolution."
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UPDATE :: "...Deadbeat Rancher Cliven Bundy: Rand Paul is Back"
Deadbeat Rancher Cliven Bundy: Rand Paul Will Make Nevada A ‘Sovereign State’ If Elected | Deep Left Field:
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Here’s some friendly advice for the Paul campaign: You were already on the outside looking in when it came to getting the nomination. But if you keep associating with nutjobs like Cliven Bundy, you will become the laughingstock of the 2016 race, a title you can share with Donald Trump.
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Here’s some friendly advice for the Paul campaign: You were already on the outside looking in when it came to getting the nomination. But if you keep associating with nutjobs like Cliven Bundy, you will become the laughingstock of the 2016 race, a title you can share with Donald Trump.
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- MooPig Site Review :: "TED.com"
- Sunday Funnies "Blind and Dumb Man Blues"
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