MooPig has this news item for readers concerned about the Blogger Strike. Organizers admitted to using the movie "the Royal Tenenbaums" as a encrypted code for the ensuing five year effort.
"We've been planning our walkout since December 2001, using 'the Royal Tenenbaums' movie release date as our clock. We inserted tags into the blogging community code under the tag 'OWILSON.' At the time we were in a microcosm of .com fascism, and wanted to do something in the face of criminals" says undisclosed source. "We figured we would find a common thread throughout the blogosphere in time to thwart chaos. That's why we thought MooPig was on to us, with their Quantum Chaos Randomizer. MooPig in its search for soul and sacrifice helped us move our plans up several notches. Many projects were finished ahead of schedules," said the source.
Owen Wilson is co-producer of the movie, thus ~OWILSON. MooPig has asked IT experts if they understand the encryption. "I do not see the reason for this grand effort by these so-called strikers," says a reliable source. "I am of the opinion it has not been the work of one master

MooPig editors look to the movie itself for clues. Here is a synopsis of the movie for those who haven't seen it: [LOS EXCÉNTRICOS TENENBAUMS, for Spanish press Two now]
Director/writer Wes Anderson and writer/actor Owen Wilson take a twisted look at a bizarre dysfunctional family of geniuses in their new film, "The Royal Tenenbaums." Told by way of a narrator, the film is described by Anderson as a movie that is a book, rather than a movie based on a book. http://movies.about.com/library/weekly/aa120901a.htm
"Remember, during the day you could be only 6 degrees from a Tenenbaum at any moment," says cinematic intelligence agency, CIA, researcher Baub Bassetbaum.
"Royal's attempts at garnering sympathy are met with opposition and distrust by all members of his family except for Richie and Chas' two curly-haired sons.
"Worming his way into their lives, he discovers that, despite himself, he did genuinely miss having been a part of each of their extraordinary lives.
"Anderson and Wilson do a commendable job of showing that families are made up of individuals tied together by more than just blood. It takes more than mere words - or a few physical gestures - to make a family work. In "The Royal Tenenbaums," Anderson and Wilson allow personalities to evolve, allow bad guys to get second chances, and let love find its own unique path to heal wounds and mend hearts."

And that's not all, Singapore correspondents allude to even a thicker plot:
"I ended up giving my wife my tenderloin and foie gras.
"Such sacrifice.
"As I struggled to finish the pasta, all lights went out and the soap suds snow starting spewing to the beat of Xmas music blasting in the background.

"I buried my face deep into the pasta.
"Then, Santa and his angels, yes, angels, made their rounds to each table. Couples eagerly hugged Santa while having their picture taken.
"Santa walks past us.
"OOoohhh! The pong!
"Santa stinks!
"For those of you do not know what Singapore is like, think Hawaii or Jamaica weather all year round. Then think of what happens if you wore a Santa suit in the tropical climate?
"All wonderful memories of Santa using Old Spice as aftershave from an old TV commercial, dissipated.
"Santa really stinks! The Wife and I bury our heads even deeper into our pasta. How could anyone hug smelly Santa?" http://tumduck.blogspot.com/2006/12/santa-stinks.html
Santa Claus, Singapore, Bermuda Triangle, the Royal Tennenbaums; Have we just entered the world of Mis-Direction? or is this the 'Twilight Zone?' >pd/final draft2
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