OOPs, wrong giants......
Giants and Packers may very well not be personified names of animals like Lion, Bear, Penguin or Sperm Whale...
...they are mythical names of consumers and patrons of large big dumb animals, LBDA, industries.
"We are not picking teams; We are picking a game," says MooPig. "And we feel the game is Bay against York!"
This weekend I and the Pig are anticipating the SuperBowl LXII pregame between Packers and Giants to be the only game worth watching for the year. Favre versus Manning; Old man being challenged by the younger bucker.

Mythical encounters of the correct

There... this is a better picture, and tastier:
As the... "usual sixty-eight or so meat-packers will have butchered hogs and salted the meat to feed to the army. Rock Island's federal arsenal supplied ammunition. [Before] the [game] the meatpackers, including [descendants of ] Phillip Armour and Gustavus Swift, who developed the Chicago Union Stockyards, ...using Chicago's railroad network, shipped cattle from western pastures, butchered the animals at their stockyards, and then sent the meat nationwide in refrigerated railroad cars." All shipped via the Northwestern to Lambeau Field, for this stadium-packed one-in-a- life-time standoff between old and young. Hog and Giant; Lamb and Cyclops --
Besides January 27 --
A Day in Super Bowl History -- Ouch!!!
On this date 16 years ago, the NYGiants beat the Buffalo Bills 20-19 in the Super Bowl. Giants' coach Bill Parcells summarized his game plan this way after the game: "Power wins." http://www.isthatlegal.org/archives/2007/01/
Huh? Most of today must be random day. Get your Moink-joink going.
I can't even tell you names for the teams in the other playoffs for the other conference. 'Scuse while I google that info. OOP's: again couldn't fine that info, but I did find this: thegurglingcod.typepad.com "They say that cheese is milk's leap towards immortality. What that tells us about the cheese bra, I do not know. I don't really know how to unpack this, but considering it exists at the intersection of food and sports, I feel a duty to share it. Just the thing to wear to a viewing of a painstakingly restored VHS of SB XXXI highlights," said the gurgling cod.
BRIE--NG it on!! Whey me down wid' it.

- and -
"17th Century Presybyterians say the darndest things
You wonder why some words fall out of favor. Came across one yesterday that is overdue for a revival: "Ignaries." It means "ill-informed persons." Viz: "The ignaries on television called the governor a man of integrity." A tip of the fin to Robert Baillie for bringing this word to my attention, and generally bringing the Glaswegian, won't find it in no OED ruckus. Out there in Codland--use it three times today in a sentence."
This will be MooPig Kind of Day at Lambeau, a dream come true: "We are excited! The Big Apple giants could get Packed, or the Cheese could get spread all over the kettle moraine," says the symbiotes.
"So, Ignaries: forget the rest and this weekend watch the Best! Because We are MooPig and you're not."
Besides, this could be you:
A Packer fan was enjoying himself at the game in a packed Lambeau Field, until he noticed an empty seat down in front.
He went down and asked the guy next to it if he knew whose seat it was.
The guy said, "Yes, that's my wife's seat; you know the cheese-bra lady? We have never missed a game since the Lombardi days, but now alas, my wife is dead."
The fan offered his sympathy and said it was really too bad he couldn't find some relative to give the ticket to and enjoy the game together.
"Oh no," the husband said, "they're all at the funeral."
We are all so going to miss the Cheese-bra Lady!!>MooPig/pd/final draft
LBDA-heh heh...
I usually watch the games with my neighbor neighbor. Partially because he has a 52" hi-def, partially because he is a former pro LBDA and has amusing anecdotes. His descriptive term of choice is-"Jug-Butt-Lineman".
Cheese Bra:::You used to tell me that all politicians/news anchor types looked like they were "dressed by their wives" or, something to that effect. This poor, deluded woman is demonstrating what happens when those particular tables are cosmically, yet momentarily turned; I suspect.
Do you amember "Cosmic Debris" by Zappa?
"I could make more money as a butcher, so don't you waste your time on me"
I 'amember that, yes, and apologize to all the true original satirists for my off-shot of satire... but I never tire of it. My attire says I am trying to hide my spare tire, but then I am semi-retired.
Zappa suffered from chronic asthma from childhood, often hides an allusion to noses and breathing with the entire song lyrics.
Music and Lyrics will never be as tight again until you do it, Jack. I am counting on you to bring it all up to speed for us, soon, with your Cryptic Cheese.
At least I can understand the words to your songs; as with francis Zappa.
Zappa: "I wrapped a newspaper round my head
"So I looked like I was deep
"I said some mumbo-jumbo, then
"I told him he was going to sleep
"I robbed his rings and pocketwatch
"And everything else I found
"I had that sucker hypnotized
"He couldnt even make a sound
"Dont you know, you could make more money as a butcher?
"So, dont waste your time on me
Dont waste it, dont waste your time on me..." Cosmik Debris
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