By JEFF ZELENY and CARL HULSE,The New York Times
Posted: 2008-01-28 10:05:12
Filed Under: Elections News
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Jan. 28) -- Senator Edward M. Kennedy, rejecting entreaties from the Clintons and their supporters, is set to endorse Senator Barack Obama’s presidential bid on Monday as part of an effort to lend Kennedy charisma and connections before the 22-state Feb 5 showdown for the Democratic nomination.
...Click on the title and go to aol news page for gossip on this, or not.Click through the photos on those pages for the answers. such as Question: Who is Sylvester Stallone supporting? Do you care who other celebrities are endorsing?
Pig says: "When I was in fifth grade I had a girlfriend named Karen Kay Kennedy:I wonder who she is voting for ?"
Answers Bull Calf: "Oh, KKK, ha ha; Pig, go suck on a slim Jim!"
Sarcasm Aside: Who AreThey [really] O'Backing?
"Caroline Kennedy wrote in a New York Times editorial Saturday that she supports Democrat Barack Obama."
"Caroline Kennedy wrote in a New York Times editorial Saturday that she supports Democrat Barack Obama."
picture left: Too bad Hillary is not Irish, just married Irish.
"Mr. Kennedy called Mr. Clinton Sunday to tell him of his decision...
"The endorsement, ...which followed a public appeal on Mr. Obama’s behalf by Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of President John F. Kennedy, was a blow to the Clinton campaign and pits leading members of the nation’s most prominent Democratic families against one another." (2008, Jan 28)
Picture right: [So, the Kennedy's loaded up the truck and moved to Ala-O'Bama -- Hills that is... swimming pools
, movie stars]

Meanwhile back at the Kennedy Compound: "On the night of Mr. Obama’s national political debut at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, he was preceded on stage by Mr. Kennedy, a symbolic bookend of the party’s dean and its new generation.
"A year later, near the end of Mr. Obama’s first year in the Senate, Ethel Kennedy asked him to speak at a ceremony for her husband’s 80th birthday. At the time, she referred to Mr. Obama as 'our next president.'
"'I think he feels it. He feels it just like Bobby did,' Mrs. Kennedy said in an interview that day, comparing her late husband’s quest for social justice to Mr. Obama’s. 'He has the passion in his heart. He’s not selling you. It’s just him.'” (2008, Jan 28.)
Picture right: Talk about your back-stabber, Bill might be going Tanisia all
up on your backside, Ethel! surmises MooPig political analysts.

October 6, 2006 -- "At the gala, Ethel Kennedy presented the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Ripple Of Hope Award to President William Jefferson Clinton for his commitment to a more just and peaceful world..." MooPig asks: Is Bill no longer Ethel's favorite samba partner?
There you have it folks, "O'Kennedy bestowed a shellalagh and bar of Irish Spring on o'barack... (made for a man, aye, but the colleens like it too). Schools with an especially egregious record of and we'll be right o'barack!!" We at MooPig like to think our polls have made the swing vote occur [refer to MPW sidebar polls] Kennedy to O'bama, the Irish- Black ticket, is our first indication of the villain choosing the protagonist. MooPig still endorses Hillary as the goto gal, and has some advice for our leading lady:
"We are beginning to think Senator Clinton needs a 'B' added to her name to receive more Celeb/Democrat endorsements: such as "HillaryB," pronounced hill a rib. Having a 'B' in your presidential name has been big for nye 16 years now," says pig editors. "Its a trend not to be ignored."
According to Pribek.net, Senate fossil Teddy, DemMass, and ex-Pres B. Clinton are lookalikes. (2008, Pribek.net); MooPig guesses Teddy could not bear that he has a look alike in Bill Clinton, so he prompted to go with the opposites attraction forces, you know, Jungle Fever style... >pd/draft
2008, Jan 28; Copyright © 2007 The New York Times Company, 2008-01-26 22:21:00, retrieved at: http://news.aol.com/elections/story/_a/kennedy-snubs-clintons-backs-obama/20080~
Pribek, Jack; 8/Jan/2008. Is Bill Clinton turning into Ted Kennedy? retrieved today at: http://pribek.net/2008/01/08/is-bill-clinton-turning-into-ted-kennedy/
This is a clear case of nuveau riche teling the nuveau riche who is boss of you. Catherine at forty two is looking very sundried, but in her wisdom she has circum-navigated Clinton clan, practicing generational skip politics. Sen Teddy not willing to give beign dressed by his sister is on the plane to Obama like a boy scout on a snipe hunt. "...gotta love dem nuveua riches..." says Romona from Missouri.
Golly, those Kennedy's sure have a way of putting things in perspective for the un-washed but well read.
"There will be peace in our time." says Neville Chamberlain directly after tea and crumpets with bootlegger Joe.
"our first indication of the villain choosing the protagonist" give yourself a Yahtzee! for that one moopig. What brand of energy drink do you endorse?
Rambo is endorsing McCain and Human Growth Hormone in the same week!!??
Things may be looking up for Bud Selig.
So Rambo for McCain
Walker Texas Ranger for Huckabee
I need more info-who is Hulk Hogan pimping?
Whoops, I almost forgot that I heard some anchor woman on MSNBC repeatedly refer to TK as the "Lion of the Senate" heh heh....
"In the jungle the quiet jungle..."
I just want to ask, are we SURE that Hillary's running for president? Or is Bill using her as a sneaky way to get 4 more years in the White House?
Welcome to my humble abode, B'Jesus, you two are most kind. Jayne, I want to thank you for coming all the way over here to visit. Though I think that Jack has answered that one for us all: "Golly, those Kennedy's sure have a way of putting things in perspective for the un-washed but well read."
This is being translated in context of John the Baptist-- wild man, eats locusts, never washes sort-- baptizes the Saviour. I suspect the Lion refers to Teddy as the saviour returning, and Hillary is his nemisis. Or something like that, and -- ":Bill's using her as a sneaky way to get 4 more years in the White House..."
Most certain; and in fact Teddy recognizes of late the "Wm. Jeff. Clinton" philandering style of politics that has now opened a rift in the Democrats tenuous platform, and put Hillary on the spot. Ted and family are trying to keep Bill, who is sneakingly going fo 4 more years, from cracking the Democrat's boiler plate.
Let's see if the top philanderer Ted can create a flounder in the tactician apprentice philanderer Bill, and Hillary becomes the sidekick once more, it will be known throughout baltimore, that "No one can out-philander the lion of philandering." Should happen any day now.
If I were Hillary, I would shave Bill's head, and make him play his sax at subway stations in black-face, to get 'dem working class votes. But that's just me again with the sarcasm. Thank you again Jayne and Jack for dropping in.
Yours, Patrick, you know its all for the love!
Hah! I love to be right! Hilary ought to do the smart thing; neuter Bill, duct tape his mouth shut, slap an apron on him and shove him into the kitchen. If she doesn't, she's going to have a hard time salvaging her bid.
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