Subject: Paradox of the Paramecium as a single cell thing
Assumptions: Assume no Socio-political factors, and Cultural differences do not factor. And let’s just conjure up a fantasy that every-thing in the known universe enjoys playing “Hangman” in some capacity.
Also assume there actually is a theory of everything, TOE, posing as a singularity for our universe, and that rules of hangman apply throughout, no deviations.
So you have a hang man game for the hang paramecium. The single cell has no limbs so the word in play can only be a single item. Could it be a single letter as traditional hang man goes, or is it a single syllable, or is it part of a singularity theorem of single cell-ism? Start Playing:

"Let's see... ummm... 'S'?"
"Squeeeeky... gleeeeck.. zzz.. phhht!"
Oops; the paramecium is already hung. Any next step will be disastrous, because it will alter either the game rules or the critter's carnage. Complications are eminent: as the game and the subject start to lose their purity of form and function in time and space.
- If placed in a noose, the paramecium alone cannot tolerate more than one move in the game?
- Does a paramecium ever have extra stuff, like limbs or flanges, that can be added to keep it alive on the gallows, while the game is played out?
- Do parameciums ever get together in a conjugal, creative way to maybe keep the game going by joining forces before dying?
- Besides leaving us mystified, confused and bewildered, what is the solution, Hoosier?
Discussion -- What is most important:
Yes and no, so the discussion will go. Between just us, can you imagine the conjecture around this ridiculous scheme if this ever leaked out to [do you think.. naw] I believe in the end wrap up when the TOE comes due, there will be many gaps in the body of knowledge left by all us humans, I mean as in "large chunks" missing. Our BOK, body of knowledge, is a body of unfinished business, for sure.
Conclusion: Hanging paramecium is commuted to a sentence of life with parole, not just because it was a hung jury, the judge reputedly is jung as well.
Postscript: Okay, so what? Well, it is this kind of thinking that always gets me into trouble with my friends and family. At this point they are collectively saying: "Why are you wasting our time with this Bull Crappe?" [I can actually hear them in my head right now!]
So instead of continuing with the stale, over-extended, mantra “Everything Matters” I am adopting in my old age a slicker LaSalle Street adage: “Everything that Matters.” It is now an exploration of finding what’s most important today, which is in most cases is the ability to determine "what." I euphemistically think you know what I'm steering toward --
- draws your attention..
- core developments are powering change..
- greases the gears..
- stops the erosion?
That's my report from the middle, where thin is out, fat is in, and none of us are bi-coastal. >pd
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