>pd: do we have a visual? Yes? Okay you guys, tell us your history... How did you get to this stage of business development?

"Hi, MooPig, we are very happy to be here..
"Wendy, you go first, tell the story..
"Oh, alright, can you hear me?"
"Some time ago, after the big bang had finally calmed down and a shining planet called Earth had come into existence these two paramecium walked into a pub and ordered a couple of pints of the cheapest primordial soup on tap. They struck up a lively conversation on the nature of being, the cute amoeba at the end of the bar and how those dirty viruses were ruining things for everybody. At the end of the evening the two left with a greater understanding of their fellow beings and a renewed sense of why they were here. (Consort result of the symposium)
"Flash forward an indeterminate span of time (some say seven days, some say billions of years; discuss). Two guys with the pub gene got tired of throwing small amounts of money away in semi-frequent bursts and decided that the cure for this was to throw all of their money away in one fell swoop. (as good a Value Proposition Statement as it gets)
"So, with a combined background in the service industry that spans nearly 20 years (on both sides of the bar) these two guys whom we'll call Dirk and The Safecracker pooled their resources. After realizing that these didn't amount to much more than a big red truck, a laptop computer, a stack of credit cards and an obscene desire to never, ever, ever have another day off Dirk and SC began looking for space that would accommodate their dream. (Visionary Vision Statement)
"One dreary afternoon, fresh off the discouragement of realizing that an old strip club on Sandy Boulevard would not become their Xanadu, the two stumbled by a "garage" sale in the old Nancy J Market space at 12th and SE Yamhill.
"It seemed too good to be true and of course it was. BUT, with the tenacity only a cornered badger or smitten lover could muster and a mysterious benefactor known as Semi-Deep Pockets, Dirk and SC stepped, nay, leaped from the precipice and lo and behold, The Basement Public House was born. (the Mission is begun)"
MP: Well done, Wendy! Great story you guys! So let me summarize this: After much imbibing and soul searching, you two bottom feeders discovered a need and an idea how to fulfill that need?
As in: "At the end of the evening the two left with a greater understanding of their fellow beings and a renewed sense of why they were here."
MP: Then with a renewed surge of spunk and entrepreneurial spirit, you ventured out:
In your words: " the cure for this was to throw all of their money away in one fell swoop."
MP: Then in a state of spiritual renewal, calling upon the Famous Amos spirit of do-a-dabble, you determined your base competency.
It turns out, a: "..desire to never, ever, ever have another day off."
MP: So with a stand pat idea in your back packs, and a new sense of yourselves, you asked for money to re-hab and build your now one year old establishment.
As in your own judgement: "leaped from the precipice."
It's top of the hour; MooPig wants to thank you for being our guest, howsoever unwittingly picked you were from a 300,986,937 google search; and congratulations on your grand opening! Anything else you want to say?
...Well, it seems we have lost them for now. Remember, do drop inn, because we said so.
Material retrieved infinitude today from: http://www.basementpub.com/history.php
Blue highlights by MooPig, for instructional purposes.. or advertising as one might think in this case, but is not the case since we are all learning as we go. [trademarks pending]
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