Bunged highways are not an unusual occurrence in Houston. Absence of collisions is a new concept, that has police confused. Certain groups have shut down the highway to our Blogoshpere, in a collision-free coupe. Was it by subversion; does it pose any threat?
The quiet hum of the Internet is appreciably quickened at the start of the BLOGGER STRIKE

MooPig has been running extra shifts to make sure it is available when the news comes out. "We have assembled a team of cracker jack Aggies at an undisclosed location to monitor and report."
Apparently last night two people were taken into custody. Websites led special agents to an industrial office park in Valparaiso, IN. It turns out all pre-planned as at that location were a man and a woman in their late twenties who had handcuffed themselves to a post in their office. Some say the postal event was recorded of course by live feed webcam. The tiny surveillance cameras were fitted in NY ballplayer B. Williams' bobble head dolls all around the room.

Alledgedly son of billionaire Roy Welch, Roy jr., and Annabelle Leviton have been monitoring players of parts in a game called "Attrition."
Early views of the video recording shows Roy, jr. sort of spelled it out for us in the video stream, before the detectives arrived. He said, "After 9/11 his research team stumbled upon a quatrain written by Nostradmus that alluded to a Scribe Walkout in late 2001." It also referred to a communication break in long-standing invisible waves upon the air occurring about 2012.
"We started right away in 2001 organizing Internet Protocol state-of-the-art into a second internet, using rapid xenon processing," says Roy in the video. "We relied on web crawls through

In interview with a docent on duty at the Hermann Park Zoo's Giraffe Tunnel, she offered this: "Well, giraffes do have seven neck bones."
"We needed a substantial grounded housing; we found willing Texans to fund our activity and help us. We chose the locomotive at Herman Park in Houston as the best low lying remote grounded vehicle," says Annabelle. "The Miller Outdoor Theartre Roof nearby is the dish we use to communicate with the satellite

"Even though it all seems clandestine; we are allowing ourselves to be incarcerated today in civil protest of the way writers are treated throughout history. If we don't do this now, who knows what will happen in 2012?" says Roy, jr.
Good question says MooPig. "Giraffes, tin roofs, quatrains, clandestine satellites? What next?" >pd/draft
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