Click Link here for compendium of knowledge that is our candidate; in her own words!

"It is a Miracle: Just a swipe of Hillary's hand turns George W. back into a toddler," shown at last night's meeting of the NYGiants.
George W. had wanted to show Hillary NYDem, he can hit as hard as NYGiant's front line, instead he got the fountain of youth.

At this Kodak moment Hillary reportedly might have said: "Kindness does not deserve kindness? Eh, Georgie Boy?"
"Blart!!" gurgled W.
[Translation by MooPig: "W warrants: ...that random acts of kindness will always be paid forward in a society like middle America."]
Hillary might have probably then turned to her personal aide, Huma Abedin [Lawdin] and could have whispered: "Get me the f8^*k out of here; that kid just shi*&t his diaper. Mothahf*&&r, phewww!!" The girls then skid-daddled across the street to meet up with Ralph, Pierre, Oscar, Osama and, oh yeah, Bill.

To the Hill with Hillary.
Bald Pate in 2008!
We Love Huma, too! Just like You!
And... Who's the Cuckold now, Bill?

Pin the tail at Elephant/Donkey.huh?

MooPig on the campaign trail, at the tail end..."What a mess!" MPW/pd/final draft
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