Yeah, this performance looks like it was choreographed by Michael Jackson standing in for Madonna. What makes people act on impulse is pretty much what AGGIE football is all about. Scary, eh?
"So, welcome, mister.... uh; Bucket Head, is it? Okay, yes welcome. That pre-Obama KFC slur will go well here in Bush's Town. Prairie View A and M is down the road, if you want to visit there as well; just turn right as Wilson's Chicken."
In Review -- After the nunchuck thing, I noticed B-Head zipped through my entire repertoire in about 43 seconds after he picked up the guitar. So, that put me in the audience of teeming trillions who tried to see the jumbotron from outer spaces synchronicity. How far can you throw a fret anyway?
The crowd can be labeled in rows. Let me explain... the front is for those who don't mind close quarter moshing, shoving, sort of the vanguards, or advanced guard of the LGBiTg crowds. The last rows are the skeptics who usually say, "This blows." But in between are the stoics, and Goombahs. These are the ones who will show up when you ask them to go on a hundred mile bike ride this Sunday; or we need one more for the Rugby match on this Saturday.
The middle is the church ladies who want to rock out, but not tooo closely to others. Let me see that smile; and of course we know how church ladies would love to do the nunchuck thing.
I guess it's all about the show, after all. He does not seem to play a very "standard" music, I have seen some acoustic performance on YouTube and I must say it was far from what I would name "acoustic performance". It was a show, with a DJ and techno music, so this Kung Fu thing kind of completes his image.
Wow, Ovidiu, how amazing to have you commenting over here. I have learned a great deal from this little youTube, and I agree that the little show is for his cult following.
Like a little tug on the ear to let one's mom know all is well... [Carol Burnett] the mime in KFC bucket and a nunchuck demo, yeah it does fit.
At first I though "wow, what a dweeb!"
Thanks O for dropping by. pd
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