Chinese recalls on dog food still has me guessing: ...based on a History Channel episode I once saw, I judge that what ever food-stuff that is recalled in Dog food from China must be something unmentionable.
Shopping prices makes for a more than often routine visit to Dollar General, Big Lots, or Family Dollar. The part that sucks is if you buy it at one of those retail groups, only to find it for less at Wal-Mart the next day.
Then Storage of 50 pounds of Dog food can be a nightmare. Sometimes the plastic containers don't stand up to the voracious river rats that find it in your garage. But how did they find it to begin with?
That is the crap shoot part of the equation. Dog loves the crispy food, and barks loudly if her bowl outside is empty. So we maintain peace with a continuous supply to her "trough." but keeping her bowl full has us rolling snake eyes.
Bluebirds love her food, we find out. Also watching are Mockingbirds who see the Bluebirds, so they start dipping in with misdirection like Chriss Angel, stealing a nugget on each dip. Of course we start finding dead bluebirds and river rats and if she could a few dead squirrels in her dog run area. So much so has she guarded her food bowl, momma calls her "Killer." The kids think that is wonderful, but still move with extreme caution when filling the "bowl."
With no fore-thought at all we have built a complicated ecosystem of competing organisms in our own backyard habitat that centers around a stainless steel bowl of often-recalled bagged dog- foods from China.
Now really who would have ever thought of ever doing any of that consciously?
What's in that stuff?
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