Your Rapper Premiere Blog will start in 1:29 Minutes ... right after this phto montage of Pamela A and Tommy Lee:
Somewhere Off the Coastal Fishing Waters of Somalia ...
Unknown Somali Rapper recorded at Gulf of Aden Coastal Beach Party and Arms Swap Meet
Retrieved by CIA Eye in the Sky Recording Studios
We live the jam
we even got Pam
and Tommy Lee band
to entertain our gang
we get our new boats
'n skiffle out to promote
chewing top notch khat
our stimulant that
keeps us afloat
to smoke us 'dem hash
and sieze your boat,
and round up your crew
yo, philopinno, ya' know,
yo momma she sho'
'nuff got no dough
for your hostage ass
so i tell ya though
wha' i gawanna do
gann'a get a forty four
and send you to skewl
all hands on deck
so you can join my crew
ken I git a spell check.. wappa wappa
let's ... git ... a ...spell check;
... git a spell check; git a spell check;
uh huh uh huh gitta a gitta a gitta a git;
... git a spell check;
Hey, now, you fools, Captains too,
all you tools; we the skewls,
pirate gangs of Gulf of Aden
We da' Coast guard clans sayin'
all dem' suicide Taliband
roamin' the land playin'
building vendor stands
and cutting off hands
Our samplin' brain Trust Brand --
Sumpin' like dis: -- Yo'
we da' interpret'd method
origin'lly related as stated
to boast absolute idea, tied
wid' specific entities and orders
traditional fishin' methods abated
t'were no match for our tides
crawling with illegal trawlers
that raided our fishin' waters
So 'dat assertable propositions
is necessarily opposed to it
by yo' apparent contradiction
to be reconciled inclusion
by a third proposition to wit'
of da' third party clan infusion
That's us; ain't it funny?
we r' higher level of truth
'cause we all want the money
-- build some homes with roofs --
n' dat's da' Hegelian proofs
Yeah, baby, gi' me my gold tooth --
'cause 'dat is da' Hegelian Proof
yonder 'dem businessmens
askin' us soldurz' of fortunes
som' dere for loans and games
and US weapons we hoardin'
ha ha -- we think that's kinda lame
That's right; all yo'r kennedy's
sho' 'nuff been askin' us'
loan them some currency
then we supos'd to trust them?
What? we supposed to hawala,
thas' jus' ... well,
that is jus' ... i declare,
descending to lunacy
Hey, hey, we the skewl,
You 'da ones in truancy,
We pirate gangs off coast of
Gulf of Aden, we be spadin'
'cause we gonna skewl you,
We da' Coast guard clans
jus' like dem' Talibans invadin'
<wid' their nasty phlegms
you know; th' ones who ganna screw you
and all your plans
"Hegelian proofs"...that reeks of street cred rat dere
Reeks for sure. I bin meenin' to aks you: did you fall off that horse?
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