Ongoing Piddling around by our Brilliant minds in Washington will result in a well picked over Carcass...
Retrieved by Pat Darnell

If Chinese investors were to begin dumping their U.S. holdings ... Such a development could send U.S. interest rates rising. That would slow America's economic recovery and increase Washington's costs for financing the $14.3 trillion national debt.
Britain's holdings of U.S. Treasury securities is only $272.1 billion.
That's included because Chinese investors buy and sell securities through Britain.
The U.S. government is selling huge amounts of debt to finance record-high budget deficits. The Obama administration in its new budget released on Feb. 14 projected that this year's deficit will reach a record $1.65 trillion. It would be the third consecutive year the federal deficit has exceeded $1 trillion. (CRUTSINGER, MARTIN. Feb 28, 2011. AP Economics Writer., [SOURCE])
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