The Real Power of Internet
by Pat Darnell and the Bernaysian Manipulation Factor
Before the Internet gets all serious about itself, I propose a calm down period. Rest and relaxation, while waiting for the inspiration; a little play with the mouse before feeding it to the kittens; wouldn't that be better now?
Look at the possbility. At least persuade yourselves of the efficiency of Internet interplay... eh?
Yes, it is not human nature that is changing here -- it never does change does it? What is changing, is how we create our businesses. And then it is not really evolving change in any sense, as much as development is being sped up.
Everything else is air, Jordan.
Billing: Eh?
Purchases: Eh?
Payables: Eh?
Fix mistakes: Eh?
Design an Amphitheatre: Eh !!
Pieces of cake, operations are unmistakenly being reduced to "minute-management-Managers:" all chief's, no more indians. Most business operations can be handled with Intuit Quicken off-the-shelf. Shoot, you can cross off CEO on that list, too.
What is the payload? Your neighbors west have known it since 1960: Silicon Valley, Forest, Canyon, Mountain ... what have you -- elites have received the blessing of Internet play. It is understandably our largesse groups' Bernaysian manipulation is to convince you, and me, that Internet access is scarce, hard to get, unsafe, communist plot, identity thieving, and limited. Well, it AIN'T !!
Names? Not needed. If someone is actually making Internet money, as in capital gain or income, that someone is not going to talk about it. If someone wishes they were making money via Internet, but has not yet figured it out, they will babble on forever ... The first example is the largesse candidate. Could be anyone standing next to you in the Wal-Mart checkout queue.
Happy are those elite living with vistas that everyone else can only dream about. They have settled in Mountains, Valleys, Deserts, Lakesides, Forests, while I and you have lived in cesspools, out-lands, risky apartments, future slum, and dodgy neighborhoods... right? And worked in outdated factories, basements, junk yards ... delapidation, disrepair and outgassing storage rooms.
Yes, our escapist fifty year olds, who set out early to understand why we are the "self-serve, service nation numbero uno," have put the strife in life behind them.
We fools who struggled with deep sixing, surveying and measuring, timing and fixing in old fashion ways for the last half decade -- well, too bad.
Never is it too late to say: WTF. There is no Creator, or Gift to give, nor a leader to intercede for you; No salvation to ask for, no retirement plan, ... it doesn't exist. Nothing in business has ever been what it is supposed to have been.
Why should Internet bid'ness be any different. The new marketing model, the new Green industry, the new Prohibition Paradigm, the de-evolutionary Sigma Six Project management, a deconstructed Isolationist Strategy, the New Age music giveaway Modal Mass Destruct -- MooPig says "Vigyazz a Kutya Harap," -- whatever that means.
Behind all the wishing and greening, is a vast mostly empty space for you and for me. Eureka, and this is precisely the place -- our playground, in here connected with the internet highway -- I create my own sandboxes, and, caption, banner, post or clip anything I want. OpOoorah!
It is so much better than being swallowed by a hippopotamus in my final act.
"There will always be Dead End streets: why not build your Culture Sack in those places." MPW/pd
Our Organization’s Mission
To develop and promote the ideas and strategies to advance continental-scale conservation in North America, particularly the need for large carnivores and a permeable landscape for their movement, and to offer a bold, scientifically-credible, practically achievable, and hopeful vision for the future of wild Nature and human civilization in North America.
the internet...better get some while you can, son...
Thanks Mr P for defining Our Organ's Missionary Position.
We have referred your comment to MooPig's "Stationary Engineers Department" and we will wait for their response.. as part of Stationary Engineers Local 39, the union president issued this so far:
"A few of my staff and I had the opportunity to attend the Western Conference of Operating Engineers in Seattle recently to learn from and share with representatives of other IUOE Locals regarding matters that affect all of us. It is clear that the fight to maintain wages, benefits and work jurisdiction is a universal issue."
MooPig's new "Editor in Chief", Ex-UFC Lightweight Contender, Charlie 'Tookas' Bjoink, said, "a hat tip to our lift off gournd breaker in 2010: The Big Shovel."
In concert with Rewilding Institute [see Pribek's comment above], and Builder Burgers, ... MooPig [and others]* are participating in environmental cleanup.
"Yes, all that is left is signing the papers," said Charlie.
Thanks again Mr P for celebrating the advancement of large carnivores coexistant symbiosis development, with MooPig Enterprises: Advent in 2010, as we say around here.
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