Another Opening, Another Show
by Pat Darnell | Jan 20, 2013 | Bryan TX
The International Consumer Electronics Show is innovation. However, CES, January 6th through 11th, 2013, has been criticized as "lacking" in luster. Several reasons make it so: manufacturers have their own time tables for moving their new products. Such as Microsoft, who released Windows 8 in October 2012, and all the innovative, new laptops followed. All happening before the trade show and exposition.
In the past new products were most often showcased at the CES which has been in January over the years. Here are some of the innovative products you can expect in the coming months.
These items caught the eye of the poor bastards down in MooPig's Electronics Department in the basement.
Tactus' morphing touchscreen was quite likely our all-around favorite device at the show. It combines a great idea with interesting potential and that full-on science fiction wow when you first see the "keyboard" inflate. Tactus hopes to see products shipping with its tactile touchscreen this year in devices ranging from phones to devices for the visually impaired. We wish them well and look forward to checking out what may eventually come of this technology.
At first glance the HAPILABS HAPIfork seems more novelty than tech -- and may well prove to be -- but it definitely stepped away from the norm and garnered a pile of attention. The idea is you use the fork as you normally would, but it keeps track of how long you eat, how quickly and how many bites you take. It then shares these metrics with a Runtastic-like site. Eat too quickly and the fork or spoon -- the end is detachable -- will vibrate to let you know to slow down a touch. The $99 HAPIfork ships in Q2 this year.
CES 2013: top 10 moments | News | TechRadar: " Xi3 Corporation and Valve talk Steam-powered Piston Gaming is usually a sideshow at CES, but it stole major spotlight this year thanks to an announcement by Valve. The company chosen to be Valve's first public partner in this venture is the Xi3 Corporation. Xi3 has a CES presence, too. They showed off the Piston, said to be the fruit of their partnership with Valve.
While their representatives wouldn't talk specs or availability, or even refer to the prototype as a Steam Box, Xi3 already has powerful and compact systems on the market. Like the rest of the gaming community, our curiosity was piqued. The possibility of a machine like this bringing PC gaming to the living room, and competing with the upcoming Xbox 720 and PS4 is beyond exciting."
'via Blog this'
Playing around with ThinkGeek's table full of toys was unquestionably a highlight of 2013 CES experience, which is (thankfully) nearly at an end. In amongst the always awesome licensed Star Trek and Star Wars toys was the Princip Interactive LED Futuro Cube, a strange game device created with ThinkGeek. The device brings to mind the Rubik's Cube, if only because its a geometrical puzzle game. In place of colored squares are a series of different colored LED lights.
Like Rubik's famous three-dimensional toy, the Futuro isn't particularly easy to master. It has a menu system and offers up a series of audible commands to access its different games. Getting started takes a quick shake and it can be put to sleep with couple of taps. There's also a USB port on one side for downloading software updates, including new games.
Nokia is here to show that the maker community isn’t alone in its love for 3D printing. The mobile phone maker has released a 3D-printing Development Kit, cutely named 3DK for short, that gives people the files and information they need to print a custom Lumia 820 back case.
The company is essentially making it possible for its users to tailor their phone to their tastes, an unusual move in a space where companies exert tight control over their technologies and design innovations. Nokia is, according to Nokia, the first major phone company to do this.
It released the files for the Lumia 820 back shell on Friday. They can be found on the company’s developer site here, here and here.
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The age of the last gizmo has arrived.
What brings you to this conclusion?
OK here's what brings me to that conclusion; the big buzz at the CES show was...headphones. Yep, celebrities hawking custom model, clunky headwear like we used back in the 70s to listen to 8 tracks with.
People I talk to are underwhelmed with the new iPhone. It hasn't advance radically. Watch your TV and observe what they are selling you these days...phones and drugs for the most part and to a lesser degree cars and booze.
They are still using the "this year's model!" pitch with the drugs cars and booze (there is actually such a thing as doughnut flavored vodka) but, the with the phones they are selling more and better coverage. They are selling the "plan". That's as exciting as shopping for burial insurance. The reason they are doing this is that there aren't big improvements with the bells and whistles on the new could already watch movies on them and store your whole music library.
It's sort of like continued hysteria about population growth. There is a lot of data that indicates it will level off then start declining. Which is the natural order of things...but, what you hear about is projections of what could happen based on a present growth rate. The universe doesn't work that way Cubby.
People of the 30-60 demographic have witnessed unprecedented innovations in consumer technology and are believers of the old saw "as things change, they will change at a faster rate". The youngsters, who were born with the digital revolution well under way aren't expecting the new gizmo to be dramatically better than the last one.
And it runs deeper. The word "futurist" is already a thing of the past. What if technology as a whole levels off? They already have the tech to do most jobs with software or robots. Drone warfare and law enforcement. Driverless cars. That stuff all exists, just hasn't been employed on the large scale.
The conventional wisdom of that 30-60 demo has been. "we will solve the world's problems with the emerging technology"...and once again the attitude comes from bearing witness to huge change but, like I say, the robots and drones exist, the cheap yet more effective solar panels for the masses Kurzweil said would be here by now are not.
I have this condition in my neck. Whenever I sit a certain way, it pops, just like cracking your knuckles. It used to be followed by a vibrating sensation, but that is not happening as much in old age.
But it does give me some nagging feeling that all is not right in my neck, you know how that can antagonize an attitude.
I have come from encounter with 30 - 60 demographic when I worked with them in my 20 -30's ... as an "intern" for lack of better word. Almost all of that generation of 30-60 had heart problems. It led to a lot of sleeping on the job, days off, days of no show, and each one [mostly men] had a "procedure done." I remember one of the Architectural Field Men came into our drafting room and announced, "A miracle has been performed on me today!"
They thought gizmos in the form of surgical procedures would save them. When in fact the way to healthy heart is lifestyle management.
So, as the men in the offices continued to mix coffee with their heart pills, well it made our place of work like a "hutch of despair," or "house of ill repute" ... like a hut where menstruating females would go until their period passes.
We are talking about ex-Air Force pilots, bombardiers, foot soldiers, Cold War Vets, and so on. today those guys in their 80 - 90's, are not so influential. My generation is the Vietnam group, I never served. And on my way to being a field man, the region down-sized. I didn't stick around.
My neck condition was not helped by my driving a drafting board all those years either. So it has been what follows me into my 30-60 years. But no heart condition, that seems to have been their generational disease.
I don't think there will be a gizmo that can fix my neck. Which brings me to a conclusion that the age of the gizmo might be over. It has already come and gone. We are in post-gizmo era. The generation that believes in gizmo power is the 80-90's demography.
Yes, no?
I have a friend that's been collecting pocketknives for 50+ years. He said "I just got interested in knives."
What a strange notion. A knife is one of the most utilitarian devices ever conceived. Can't do much with a knife that doesn't serve a direct functional purpose except maybe whittle.
So, once again, when we look at the beginnings of the marketing craze, it was all about the utilitarian. Buy this hammer and you'll never need to buy another this washboard and it will free up more time to make dinner.
But knife-smiths have been dabbling in the ornate for thousands of years before the ad men walked the earth.
It turns out that we like shiny things.
Bernays knew the psychology, obviously. But, he also knew that in order to kick the industrial age in to overdrive the public had to be sold stuff they didn't really need. And everything became shiny. Hammers, autos, ice boxes, radios.
Obsolescence as a marketing device is based on the shine. Yeah, the one you bought a few years back still works but this new one is more shiny!
The 80-90s you speak of are of the first generation to live their entire lives under the influence of Bernays. And, they aren't as jaded to it because when all of this stuff...this type of marketing was getting geared up, a lot of those shiny devices actually did make life a lot easier in the utilitarian sense and...a great deal of those products made life more fun! Crank up the Hi-Fi and let's all dance.
Added to that, there actually were "miracle" drugs.
So, it seems natural that those guys would have the faith in whatever procedure was presented to them.
All of the digital stuff...computers...the rank and file weren't interested until they were made aware that these devices could be used for entertainment. For a brief period they were being sold on some practical elements, speed and storage but, that only worked because speed and storage made it possible to play shinier games, pirate more songs and watch more porn.
But, we've crossed the threshold on that. All of the gizmos have the necessary capability. And, the thing is, there isn't a lot you can do to these gizmos to make the new ones more shiny.
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