Story captured by Pat Darnell | Jan 18, 2013 | Bryan TX
'via Blog this'
None of these people pictured were in South Dakota, they weren't even on time for their own appointments. In fact they are only images of the people who were in the news today, for various reasons: wardrobe failure, pill popping, same sex kissing ...
But did you know that in South Dakota, crazy lights in the sky showed up for 4 days around January 6th?
That should add to the suspense of the night.
YANKTON, South Dakota | EXCERPT "... I couldn't help but notice what looked like police lights ('cherries' or whatever they're called) in the sky to the south," the witness stated. "I was pretty sure there weren't any cop cars flying around that night, and the part of the sky I was looking at is a pretty busy flight path. On any day at any time of the day I see planes and especially helicopters flying by, usually flying northeast. This was definitely not a plane or helicopter."
Then the witness noticed a smaller object being ejected from the larger object. ... "

"A smaller thing like it appeared to fly out of and away from the first object. Its flight trajectory was a sort on parabolic curve toward the ground."
The second object seemed to affect cows on the ground nearby.

These light patterns have been spotted now for four consecutive days.

"But every night there seems to be more of them. Thursday there were maybe about three or four of them. Friday, January 4, 2013, there were about six of them. Saturday night at about 1 a.m. there were at least 11. While I write this it's about 6:30 p.m. and they seem to have started early because instead of being on the eastern horizon, right now they are almost directly overhead, and other new developments are that they must be lower because they are much easier to see."

"And about 15 minutes ago I saw something with all of those same flashing lights, but was much closer to the ground and I can see the shape of it - maybe triangle or stealth fighter shape. There are no military bases around here or anything else that should bring so much aircraft other than the usual traffic of private planes, crop duster planes and medical helicopters. Tonight is as interesting as all the other nights so, I guess the story continues to unfold."

No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on January 6, 2013. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Yankton is a city in and the county seat of Yankton County, SD, population 14,454.
South Dakota is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a low number of UFO sightings nationally. South Dakota had 2 reports in December 2012 - the 43rd highest reporting state while California had 75 reports - the highest reporting state in the nation.
You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page.
The following is the unedited report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If South Dakota MUFON State Director Jim Klancnik investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to MUFON.com.
January 3, 2013, 10:30 p.m., Yankton, Yankton County, SD - for 4 consecutive nights, becomes visible on east horizon after dark, then between 8 pm and 6am move across sky going west. Case 45060.

Parabolic flight path toward the ground, cows freaking out, and stealth shape evidence of the real things; why would about 11 of them converge?
It is a swamp gas, of methane and frog burps, converging on the heath and slipping into nether zone.
It happens ever so often, twice a decade, on the thirtweenth of a month when there is a light snowfall over the hedge rows ... foil headgear is advised with a breathing apparatus handy and a bucket of red dye at the ready to throw on the demon mists.
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