It Takes Leather Balls, and a Little Bit of Dementia, to Play Rugby
Retrieved by Pat Darnell | Mar 30, 2014 | Bryan TX
[Picture Credit] St Andrew's Church, in the town center, is Rugby's original parish church. A church has stood on the site since the 13th century.
Rugby, Warwickshire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Rugby is most famous for the invention of rugby football, which is played throughout the world. The invention of the game is credited to William Webb Ellis whilst breaking the existing rules of a football match played in 1823 at Rugby School, which is near the center of Rugby."
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It's a shame that I cannot justify paying cable TV so I can watch Rugby. There is one sport channel for Rugby, but I would have to subscribe. Watching online is expensive too. It takes a bunch of Gigabytes to stream anything these days. I only have 5 Gb's a month on my computer here at work for $59.99, that is about one Gb per week.
Young athletes see themselves as invincible and indestructible. The pursuit of short-term athletic glory overshadows the specter of long-term disability, especially when the symptoms of C.T.E. may be delayed by decades. No one knows certain how much head trauma is needed for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, C.T.E., to develop. But for some of us who are candidates for C.T.E., it would explain some of those rugby songs we used to sing:
Rang a Dang Doo
[Starts with The Chorus:]
A Rang A Dang Doo
Pray, what is that?
Its got fur all around
Like a pussy cat
Its oval shaped
And its split in two
And that’s what we call
A rang a dang doo
I knew a girl,
Whose name was Jeane
She was the sweetest girl
I’d ever seen
She loved a boy
Who was straight and true
He longed to play
On her Rang a Dang Doo
She took him to
Her father’s house
They crept upstairs
Quiet as a mouse
They locked the doors
And the window too
They played all night
On her rang a dang doo
The very next day
Her father said
You've gone and lost,
Your maiden head
So pack your bags
And your suitcase too
And bugger off, with your rang a dang doo
So she went off to be a whore,
And hung this sign above her door:
"One dollar each and three for two
To take a crack at her rang a dang doo."
They came by twos, they came by fours,
Until at last they came in scores,
But she was glad when they were through
For she still had her rang a dang doo.
Then Mary’s came
And Mary’s went,
Her price dropped down
To 50 cents
She got the crabs
And the herpes too
That was the end of her rang a dang doo
And now she lies beneath the sod;
Her soul, they say, is gone to God,
But down in Hell, when Satan's blue,
He takes a whirl at her rang a dang doo.
As you can see I am partial to anthologies. My last comfort and longest friend in travel companionship is my battered and well fingered "why was He Born so Beautiful, and other Rugby Songs," Prefaced by Michael Green. My weathered 1972 copy has been with me, just like my F2 Nikkormat, all over the world.
"Editorial Note: For more specialized insights into the social psychology of these songs, and to the fans who evidently take pleasure from singing them, a recent article by the eminent psychiatrist Dr. Stafford Clark is recommended."
I played football through high school. I went to a small private university, that had a football team, but I wanted to try something new. In college I took up Rugby.
I soon learned how to fake an injury for the team. Yes, sometimes the team is gasping for air, and barely able to scrum up, so the captain quietly whispers "Two Minutes Darnell" ... and I would feign an injury so the team could get a two minute blow. Sometimes, I didn't need to fake an injury, as some long legged Fly Half would run right over me, or a rabid Hooker who had it in for me.
You see, Rugby goes forward as the clock runs, there is no break between plays, and if you stop with the ball or fall down with it, you are the epicenter of a loose ruck. Plenty of opportunity to fake your own injury.
That's MooPig's Report from the Middle, where the men are meritorious, women are strong, and the children are above average. Thank you, Garrison Keillor.
Having taken part in two of the sports on the list, American Football and Rugby, I remember having my bell rung many times in practice and in games. It got to be a game in itself to see how fast I could recover in order to get back in the game. I played lineman, Guard, in the pit where head and shoulder strikes are the name of the game.
I plan to donate my brain to the institution that could slice it up and study it after I am gone. I think it will help many in their struggles with mid-life dementia.
Moo Pig Wisdom is a brilliant combination of Antiquity and Prequel Modern Flea Market. We respectfully ask you to mind your children while here.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
MooPig's "I Feel a Limerick Coming on" Department :: "Rugby, Warwickshire, England"
Sunday Funnies
Unless referenced with a LINK caption, Sunday Funnies is a bunch of pirated MEME's from faecesBook, YouTuber, Tweet'um and Tweet'um dee, Redditt, and other places where sources have been lost and are unknown. Give 'em Hell Henry. If you are offended then ASWC ... ask someone who cares.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
MooPIg's Sure-fire Solution for Writers' Block: a "Vision QUEST"
Ovidiu Confessed Writers' block,
by Pat Darnell
"These days I am in one of those periods where nothing really comes to me easy, in terms of inspiration, or whatever you want to call it… I didn’t post anything yesterday because nothing came to my mind. Period. Yesterday evening while rehearsing with my band, I searched for a better “solution” for the guitar part of one new song and frankly it was not that great. (Ovidiu; Lack of inspiration In: Rocking in the free world. Sorry -- LINKS no longer valid. Thursday Jul 17, 2008)"
Dearest Ovidiu:
I will never leave you alone in the doldrums. I will be there when you are feeling down. You’ve got a friend.
Here is the antidote:
This very afternoon, crash a private party where a garage band is playing its heart out to a mosh-oriented crowd of dowagers.
Challenge the biggest fella, or gal, to a Tequila Shots Chug Contest. Kindly, invite any others to join in if they want at stage front during the band’s break. [you really need a good brand of Tequila, Cuervo Gold preferably, you might bring your own case]
After each shot you all have to do a physical exercise, like jumping jacks, push ups, head stands, step-ball-change-kick-kick-clap line dancing... etc…
Win the contest: even if it takes 42 shots.
Accept the love from the crowd as you grab a girl and exit into a silent night due to the effects of Tequila, not actual silence. Use your judgment that is remaining and carefully drive yourselves home to your place.
No hanky panky… just talk to her as you throw-up from your balcony… evolve into a walking pass out… speak of your profound love for the universe and all god’s children’s… great and small
Until you stumble into you couch and pass into heavy heavy sleep known as “alpha level: dormant as a desert cactus needle.”
When you wake up at the crack of dawn, you call the little lady a cab… no it isn’t over yet.
You jump right away in your car and go out to find a rugby team that is looking for a fifteenth man, a hooker, otherwise they “will have to forfeit” sob stories. You volunteer… and not only hook every ball, but score three tries as you win the tournament for strangers’ company.
Wow, I wish I could be there with you… When you look up into that panoramic sky and become engulfed in Tequila Amnesia. That is when you will receive your vision quest !!
Just pay it forward, don’t thank me. Or you could send a contribution to my children’s education fund. I am preparing them similarly for college…
As always, your friend, saying: what are friends for?
Pat and Friends, aka MooPig da' Furst
"...To illustrate I will tell you uama story. I worked with some lovers of Tequila and our conversations over drinks always surrounded her. I once went to a farewell coworker and decided to take lots of beer after the race who take it anymore Tequila . 4 entered the contest, first triple for each, mexican style (round Tequila pure) and all well. Second round and triple todoa well. Third eodada teheeipla and tooooudsooosssss and soft, and then comes the maledetta fourth round triple and so on 12nd Tequila the world went off, I woke up in the hospital wondering the video game 1000 real that I had bought the day, the second participant agreed vomiting on the car window with his wife driving without a license and the other 2 have proved the aphrodisiac side of Tequila , waking underwear, 2, on the same couch...."
by Pat Darnell
"These days I am in one of those periods where nothing really comes to me easy, in terms of inspiration, or whatever you want to call it… I didn’t post anything yesterday because nothing came to my mind. Period. Yesterday evening while rehearsing with my band, I searched for a better “solution” for the guitar part of one new song and frankly it was not that great. (Ovidiu; Lack of inspiration In: Rocking in the free world. Sorry -- LINKS no longer valid. Thursday Jul 17, 2008)"
Dearest Ovidiu:
I will never leave you alone in the doldrums. I will be there when you are feeling down. You’ve got a friend.
Here is the antidote:
This very afternoon, crash a private party where a garage band is playing its heart out to a mosh-oriented crowd of dowagers.
Challenge the biggest fella, or gal, to a Tequila Shots Chug Contest. Kindly, invite any others to join in if they want at stage front during the band’s break. [you really need a good brand of Tequila, Cuervo Gold preferably, you might bring your own case]
After each shot you all have to do a physical exercise, like jumping jacks, push ups, head stands, step-ball-change-kick-kick-clap line dancing... etc…
Win the contest: even if it takes 42 shots.
Accept the love from the crowd as you grab a girl and exit into a silent night due to the effects of Tequila, not actual silence. Use your judgment that is remaining and carefully drive yourselves home to your place.
No hanky panky… just talk to her as you throw-up from your balcony… evolve into a walking pass out… speak of your profound love for the universe and all god’s children’s… great and small
Until you stumble into you couch and pass into heavy heavy sleep known as “alpha level: dormant as a desert cactus needle.”
When you wake up at the crack of dawn, you call the little lady a cab… no it isn’t over yet.
You jump right away in your car and go out to find a rugby team that is looking for a fifteenth man, a hooker, otherwise they “will have to forfeit” sob stories. You volunteer… and not only hook every ball, but score three tries as you win the tournament for strangers’ company.
Wow, I wish I could be there with you… When you look up into that panoramic sky and become engulfed in Tequila Amnesia. That is when you will receive your vision quest !!
Just pay it forward, don’t thank me. Or you could send a contribution to my children’s education fund. I am preparing them similarly for college…
As always, your friend, saying: what are friends for?
Pat and Friends, aka MooPig da' Furst
"...To illustrate I will tell you uama story. I worked with some lovers of Tequila and our conversations over drinks always surrounded her. I once went to a farewell coworker and decided to take lots of beer after the race who take it anymore Tequila . 4 entered the contest, first triple for each, mexican style (round Tequila pure) and all well. Second round and triple todoa well. Third eodada teheeipla and tooooudsooosssss and soft, and then comes the maledetta fourth round triple and so on 12nd Tequila the world went off, I woke up in the hospital wondering the video game 1000 real that I had bought the day, the second participant agreed vomiting on the car window with his wife driving without a license and the other 2 have proved the aphrodisiac side of Tequila , waking underwear, 2, on the same couch...."
MooPig's Art History Nano-second :: Burning Man
Burning Man People
Retrieved by Pat Darnell | Mar 29, 2014 | Bryan TX
We think it is bah humbug, because we missed the chance to attend the very first Burning Man. But here is some eye candy for ya'.
[Pictures' LINK] You will have to visit the articles to get more info and captions... umbrellas-were-used-more-as-a-fashion-accessory-than-to-keep-the-sun-away
You’ll Love These Outfits Worn At Burning Man [GALLERY] | "When you invite people to attend “an annual art event and temporary community based on radical self expression and self-reliance in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada”, you are inviting those people to take their crazy off the leash. You’re also inviting them to wear very little clothing. With that in mind, we present a short selection of some of the wilder items of self expression couture displayed at this year’s Burning Man fest. "
'via Blog this'
[Pictures' LINK] some-tutus-were-more-sinister
[Picture's LINK] ...this-glowing-woman-statue-by-artist-marco-cochrane-was-my-favorite-piece
One wonders what will be the next evolution of Burning Man. Could be it has reached its upper limit since 60,000 people attended this year's event. There is no money spent while at the expo. It is like an avante gard convention in the desert.
We have thought about the name: Burning Man, and have decided it means the often used cinematic cliche of the man who gets burned to death in movies. This is a standard trick by stunt doubles in movies, well documented in expose's of how stunt guys light themselves on fire. We could be all wet though.
We also wonder how much corporate America bumfuddlery is involved in money spent for the exhibitions to bumfuzzle the visitors? This looks like an easy target for Bernaysian thinkers, who might mark off territories within the festival boundaries, and concentrate on their latest toy that they are marketing. If I were a corporation grower I would want my gizmo out in front of these patrons, they look like they can spend a buck or two. Shit, I'd give my gizmo away to them.
Also, in the pictures, I don't see very much ethnicity. Considering that Rule One of the Ten Principles of Burning Man: "Radical Inclusion --Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community."
From these pictures in Business Insider's pages, it looks like a secular demographic of svelte young white women, and swaggering white men in planters' hats looking to get laid, while sweltering in the desert. Not much diversity there, it could be a total drag to attend. We think its best days are over. If you didn't attend the very first one, then you probably can't call yourself a Burning Man troglodyte. Eh?
Retrieved by Pat Darnell | Mar 29, 2014 | Bryan TX
We think it is bah humbug, because we missed the chance to attend the very first Burning Man. But here is some eye candy for ya'.
[Pictures' LINK] You will have to visit the articles to get more info and captions... umbrellas-were-used-more-as-a-fashion-accessory-than-to-keep-the-sun-away
You’ll Love These Outfits Worn At Burning Man [GALLERY] | "When you invite people to attend “an annual art event and temporary community based on radical self expression and self-reliance in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada”, you are inviting those people to take their crazy off the leash. You’re also inviting them to wear very little clothing. With that in mind, we present a short selection of some of the wilder items of self expression couture displayed at this year’s Burning Man fest. "
'via Blog this'
[Pictures' LINK] some-tutus-were-more-sinister
[Picture's LINK] ...this-glowing-woman-statue-by-artist-marco-cochrane-was-my-favorite-piece
One wonders what will be the next evolution of Burning Man. Could be it has reached its upper limit since 60,000 people attended this year's event. There is no money spent while at the expo. It is like an avante gard convention in the desert.
We have thought about the name: Burning Man, and have decided it means the often used cinematic cliche of the man who gets burned to death in movies. This is a standard trick by stunt doubles in movies, well documented in expose's of how stunt guys light themselves on fire. We could be all wet though.
We also wonder how much corporate America bumfuddlery is involved in money spent for the exhibitions to bumfuzzle the visitors? This looks like an easy target for Bernaysian thinkers, who might mark off territories within the festival boundaries, and concentrate on their latest toy that they are marketing. If I were a corporation grower I would want my gizmo out in front of these patrons, they look like they can spend a buck or two. Shit, I'd give my gizmo away to them.
Also, in the pictures, I don't see very much ethnicity. Considering that Rule One of the Ten Principles of Burning Man: "Radical Inclusion --Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community."
From these pictures in Business Insider's pages, it looks like a secular demographic of svelte young white women, and swaggering white men in planters' hats looking to get laid, while sweltering in the desert. Not much diversity there, it could be a total drag to attend. We think its best days are over. If you didn't attend the very first one, then you probably can't call yourself a Burning Man troglodyte. Eh?
" ...The celebration of Burning Man's annual fire ceremony began in 1986, created by Larry Harvey and Jerry James. For the next four years, its annual fire party was held at Baker Beach in San Francisco. In 1990, the Park police interceded to prevent the culminating conflagration of the statue. This was a transitional moment for Burning Man as the event evolved with a new location, a change of date, and the beginning of a new meaning for the celebration. This viewpoint is an observation of the events surrounding Burning Man's presence in that year... Burning Man, a potent name for a very solid, but temporary, wooden icon. We all cheered The Man as he silently stood midst his urban surroundings, working his magic of mutual attraction. We quickly lowered the statue, dismantled it, and prepared it for Baker Beach, to erect it, and burn it as an annual ritual of which had actually began in 1985. (Louis M. Brill. no date. LINK)... "_______________Reference
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq
Check it Out
Old article re-vamp by Pat Darnell | Mar 27, 2014 | Bryan TX
[Picture LINK] Aug 6, 2001 ... "On vacation in Crawford, Bush receives a Presidential Daily Briefing warning, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US." FBI highlights Al Qaeda activities consistent with hijacking preparations, as well as surveillance of federal buildings. [Date the public knew: 5/18/02] ..."
"... CIA officer flies to Crawford to call Bush's attention to document. Bush replies, "All right, you've covered your ass now." [Date the public knew: 6/20/06] ..."
Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq | Mother Jones: "AT A CONGRESSIONAL hearing examining the march to war in Iraq, Republican congressman Walter Jones posed "a very simple question" about the administration's manipulation of intelligence: "How could the professionals see what was happening and nobody speak out?""
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We deserve to be duped?
MooPig Fracking Watch Department ::
Researchers Link Earthquakes In Texas To Fracking Process | ThinkProgress: EXCERPT | "... The researchers examined the group of more than 50 earthquakes that hit the area of Cleburne, Texas in 2009 and 2010, and found that they could have happened because of waste-water injection wells associated with fracking operations.
"Before 2008, the Fort Worth Basin of Texas had never experienced an earthquake. “Because there were no known previous earthquakes, and the located events were close to the two injection wells and near the injection depth, the possibility exists that earthquakes may be related to fluid injection,” the authors write in their report. ..."
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"Before 2008, the Fort Worth Basin of Texas had never experienced an earthquake. “Because there were no known previous earthquakes, and the located events were close to the two injection wells and near the injection depth, the possibility exists that earthquakes may be related to fluid injection,” the authors write in their report. ..."
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Friday, March 21, 2014
Sunday Funnies
Unless referenced with a LINK caption, Sunday Funnies is a bunch of pirated MEME's from faecesBook, YouTuber, Tweet'um and Tweet'um dee, Redditt, and other places where sources have been lost and are unknown. Give 'em Hell Henry. If you are offended then ASWC ... ask someone who cares.
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