GERD in a Nutshell
retrieved from Email by Pat Darnell
Gastroesophegeal Reflux Disease
By Michael Owen, DC
GERD, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, occurs when the acid contents of the stomach
flows up through the muscular opening in the diaphragm into the esophagus. Although
the stomach lining is made to handle these strong stomach acids, the esophagus is not.
Constant acid reflux into the esophagus may cause damage, ulcerations or even develop
into a pre-cancerous condition called Barrett’s Esophagus.
There is no agreed upon cause for GERD. However, we have found that the greatest
number of GERD suffers have inadequate digestive juice in the stomach, leading to a
putrefaction of stomach contents and the accompanying symptoms of gas, bloating,
belching and reflux. Anti acids and acid blockers may bring temporary relief, however as
we have seen before, chronic conditions often result from suppressive therapies. Upon
further inspection it appears that for most persons with GERD, the cause falls into one or
more of the following categories:
1) Reduced production of digestive fluids
2) Poor diet
3) Poor food combining, over-eating before bed, eating sweets and starch with protein
4) Food allergies
5) Dysbiosis
6) Prescription drug use
7) Mechanical problems in the diaphragm or sphincter separating the stomach and esophagus
8) Liver condition
Begin with reasonable dietary modifications such as not over eating before bedtime and
avoiding processed foods, sweets and sodas etc., and drinking plenty of pure water.
Do a trial by taking a small amount of hydrochloric acid during the middle of the main
meal, 50mg. to 100mg would do it. I use ½ of a Hydrozyme—Betain HCl, pepsin, and
pancreatin tablet. If that dosage does not upset the stomach, then slowly increase the
dosage over the next several days. Proceed only when the acid is well tolerated. Find that
optimal dosage where excellent digestion is experienced, this dosage could be anywhere
from 50 mg. up to 3000 mg.—or even more in some cases. At some dosage the vast
majority of clients will experience great relief of their GERD and all related symptoms.
For many individuals, that is all there is to it. They will just need to take hydrochloric
acid with meals for a while until their body readjusts and they can start increasing their
own hydrochloric acid production. Still others may be deficient in factors required to
make hydrochloric acid and other digestive products. They will need to be supplemented.
Be aware that B vitamins, especially thiamin B1, zinc, and magnesium, are needed for
optimal digestion.
If the condition is not resolved using a reasonable diet and hydrochloric acid
supplementation, then a trial elimination diet may be considered to look for hidden food
sensitivities. High on the list of such foods is wheat and all grains except rice, all dairy
except butter, beer, wine, coffee, corn, soy, peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and other
night shades, food additives, and preservatives.
I usually recommend starting an elimination diet by removing all sugar and processed
foods, dairy except butter, and wheat and grains except rice. For best results add Beta-
TCP—Beet juice, taurine, vitamin C and pancrelipase at 3 – 4 per meal to support
detoxification and bile production.
Regardless of the cause of GERD, a trip to the chiropractor or other health practitioner
who specializes in care of the human frame, will be useful. Indeed, the cause of acid
reflux and GERD can be due wholly or partially to structural misalignments of the
thoracic vertebra the ribs or diaphragm, in which case only an adjustment or realignment
of the structure will bring any lasting relief.
As for the client for whom no therapy has helped; maybe they do in fact make too
much acid, or perhaps they have gastritis, and any amount of normal acid burns their
sensitive stomach and intestinal lining. In these cases do 4 to 6 weeks of intense healing
of the gut lining, and then repeat the hydrochloric acid trial as mentioned earlier. During
the 4 to 6 weeks of intense healing, I recommend Gastrazyme—Gut healing nutrients and
vitamin U at 3 - 4 tablets 4 times per day between meals, IPS—Nutrients that heal the
intestines at 2 capsules per meal, consider L-Glutamine at 2 capsules per meal. In cases
of candida, fungal overgrowth, H. pylori or parasites, consider A.D.P.—Micro emulsified
oregano oil at 2 – 4 tabs 2 times per day between meals. In more difficult cases we also
recommend NutriClear—Detoxification drink formula) 1 – 2 servings per day as a meal
Now, for those remaining clients who do truly have a hyper acidic digestive system, for
those who’s systems cannot tolerate normal amounts of acid, and also for those who’s
systems are making acid and other digestive products while there is little or no food to
digest, consider parasympathetic dominant nervous system. Rule out toxic conditions and
drug use. Use 1 dropper full of Super Phosphozyme Liquid—Liquid phosphorus in small
amount of water as needed for acid upset. Also, consider using parathyroid containing
product such as Ca/Mg Plus—Calcium, magnesium, and parathyroid tissue at 2 – 4 per
day and Cytozyme-PT/HPT—Pituitary/hypothalamus tissue (neonatal bovine) at 2 – 3 tabs
per day. Although Ca/Mg Plus contains Calcium and Magnesium, which promote the
parasympathetic system, this product has shown significant clinical success in modifying
sympathetic dominant conditions. Additionally, continue with the Gastrazyme—Gut
healing nutrients and vitamin U as noted earlier to reduce inflammation. Increase dietary
fiber, water and exercise where indicated.
Excerpt from The Nutritional Therapist Premier Issue 2003