Moo Pig Wisdom is a brilliant combination of Antiquity and Prequel Modern Flea Market. We respectfully ask you to mind your children while here.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year all You Lonely Hearts
December 31: telecountdown
Counting down towards the new years together over the phone (cell) when physically not able to be together due to distance or circumstances.
" Janny, let's telecountdown together tonight"
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Googala-a-Boogala-Zombogala-Systemogalao 2009
Hey Big Brother, I'm the Cup -- You're the Tea...
Hey Big Brother, I'm the Pup -- You're the Flea...
Hey Big Brother, We gonna Sup -- We're on TV !!!! Yea, Yea, Yea
by Pat Darnell, and the Putzler Prize Winning Putz Family
[SOURCE] Crooked Pants, Blogger Dan Visconti

- Chrome OS
- Google Wave
- Droid/Android Updates
- Gmail updates
- Search engine upgrades
- Chrome browser updates and extensions
- Speed tools
- Other: "...|X| -- when they released the Wind ... phhffffftttt!
At their launch earlier this month, Wind executives said they would welcome the rumoured Google phone onto their network.
When technologists of the future look back in time, they'll remember 2009 as the year Google got serious about an internet operating system, speeding up the web, and indexing EVERYTHING in sight. Take a look at the year 2009 in Google.
Google's Three Biggest Launches of 2009
Two of the three most significant Google releases of 2009 are not yet available to the public in a final release build, but all three are open source. In no particular order:
Chromium OS: In July, Google got Microsoft and Apple shaking in their boots when they announced they were building an operating system. The source code for Chrome OS (in its development phase it's called Chromium OS) became available in November; early adopters can run virtual machine images and bootable USB drive versions of the OS.
Google Wave: In May, Google demonstrated their new, real-time collaboration webapp,Google Wave, to a crowd of incredulous developers who couldn't stop applauding. In September, they invited 100,000 users to try the Wave Preview. By now, over one million users have joined the Wave Preview. We wrote a book about Wave; and you can give and get Wave invitations on our dedicated forum page.
Android 2.0/Droid: While Android-based handsets were already available when the year started, the Motorola Droid debuted in November running Android 2.0 (with turn-by-turn GPS capabilities) and took on the iPhone in its "Droid Does" ad campaign. Google also releaseda flurry of Android-only applications and updates to existing ones in 2009 to boost their mobile platform, including the Google Voice app (which Apple rejected on the iPhone), the amazing Google Goggles app, Google Maps enhancements, and Google Listen.
Google's Most Updated Apps of 2009
While a few Google products did get shut down, "sunsetted," or just didn't change much, several marquee apps grew up a whole lot this year with serious feature additions and upgrades.
Search Engine Upgrades: Remember when Google was just a search engine? Googlers do, because they're still busy bees improving search results and rolling out new ways to get to them. This year saw the rollout of Google web search's Caffeine update, as well asmusic, social, and real-time search, along with several new Google Image search options, and updates to the Google Suggest drop-down.
Gmail: Thanks to Gmail Labs, our favorite web-based email client got a slew of new features for power users, from automatic translations to offline attachments to time zone notifiers to exportable mail filters. If you haven't recently, cruise through your Gmail account's Labs area to pick and choose from over 60 experimental features. Gmail's mobile web application for the iPhone and on Android also saw an overhaul and vast improvement this year.
Chrome web browser: Google's own browser, Chrome, saw a whole lot of movement in 2009, especially late in the year with the release of bookmark sync, official beta builds for Mac and Linux (finally!), and Chrome extensions.
Google News also saw a couple of interesting experiments like Fast Flip and the News Timeline.
Google's Mission to Speed Up the Web
If there's any one thing Google did this year, it was launch a concerted effort on all fronts to make the web faster. From developer tools (like Speed Tracer and the Google Web Toolkit) to consumer products (like Chrome and Google Public DNS), it's kind of astounding the sheer amount of stuff Google put out there this year under the speed umbrella. They're even going so far as attempt to reinvent the two pillar protocols of email and the web with Waveand SPDY (a faster replacement for HTTP).
And the rest....
2009 was also the year of a few legal skirmishes (like the Google Books settlement, theCyanogen C&D, the Google Voice/FCC dust-up), a few acquisitions (like reCAPTCHA, Gizmo5, and AppJet), and data control initiatives (the Google Dashboard and the Data Liberation Front).
You could say it was a pretty busy year at the Googleplex.
Google's 2009 Product Release Calendar
Take a chronological ride through the last four seasons at Google in this list of 2009 product releases and updates, listed month by month.
Offline Gmail gets released with Google Gears
Picasa for Mac released
Google Latitude and search by voice for Android launch
Google Sync for your mobile phone launches
Google Calendar goes offline with Google Gears
Google Profiles show up at the bottom of search results
Updated mobile Gmail and Google Calendar webapps for iPhone and Android launch
Google Maps mashup tracks swine flu
GV Mobile makes Google Voice the default for your iPhone (later, Apple pulled this app from the iTunes Store for reasons that are still unclear)
Engineers demo Google Wave at the Google I/O conference, give developers access to the Wave "sandbox"
Google Apps Sync syncs Microsoft Outlook with Gmail, Google Contacts, and Calendars (updates with push Gmail in September)
Google Squared puts your search results into a spreadsheet
Gmail, Google Calendar, Docs, and Talk leave beta
FeedDemon, NetNewsWire sync exclusively with Google Reader
Google announces Chromium OS (but doesn't release any code, doctored screenshots and fan-made versions start popping up)
Apple rejects all Google Voice applications from the iTunes Store
Gmail Tasks graduates from Google Labs (where it first appeared in December of 2008)
Gmail makes importing mail and contacts from old email accounts easy
PubSubHubbub gets baked into Google Reader
Google Wave Preview opens to 100,000 users
GrandCentral closes its doors, transitions entirely to Google Voice
Google Sidewiki launches
Google offers voicemail storage and transcriptions for your existing phone number(part of Google Voice)
Google Maps Navigation adds turn-by-turn GPS to Android
Google Voice gives existing users invitations to send to their friends
Chrome OS announced, Chromium build demo'ed and source code released (here's how you can try out a Chromium build yourself)
Google Chrome adds bookmark sync
Google releases Go, a new programming language
Chrome browser hits Mac/Linux with extensions enabled (Chrome for Windows left beta in December of 2008)
Google's new real-Time search includes Twitter streams
Google Public DNS launches
Google "lets the sun set" on Gears, moving to HTML5
Google Goggles for Android searches the web by photo
Google Favorite Places puts a barcode on restaurants and shops you can scan with your mobile phone
It turns out, GOOGLE Blogspot is the Birth-Mother of MooPig Wisdom Blogger... and one would think we at MooPig International are a bit flippant.
And it is a fact that so far the blogger end of our enterprise has not cost even one cent for the over million words and images posted for three years now... for that, MooPigsters everywhere are heartfelt grateful. No Lie.
We the editor team of MooPig INT, are fully aware of ourselves, by now, and want to report now on our business end of GOOGLE Blogging -- MooPigWisdom.Blogspot.Com -- is built with Charity.
That's Right! Built entirely with Volunteerism -- a massive experiment to give GOOGLE raw data from our fingertips -- ... and Love
So for the Sacred Covenant of Mother and Child, we at MooPig Wisdom International wish all a very :: Happy NEW YEAR, 2010 !!!
Stay, however, safe -- if you drink do not date -- do not drink and drive; and for the love of GOD do not forget to return right here for more lightning WIT and MooPig WISDOM next Year 2010.
CYA then Pardners. [Editors]
Monday, December 28, 2009
Ja godt!=)
Venner i Tr.h
Venner "all-over"
Familien min
Skriv i gjestebok
Se i gjestebok
Dette er altså hjemmesiden min. Her kan en finne bilder av venner(i uorden og ikke oppdatert), filmer, en gjestebok(som ikke virker) og etterhvert kanskje enda mer snax! Jeg bor nå på Singsaker i Trondheim og går på 3.årskurs, Teknisk Kybernetikk og om snart 2 år er jeg kanskje er ferdig og kan da forhåpentligvis begynne å arbeide med noe gøy, og får anledning til å betale samfunnet tilbake i form av arbeidskraft, skatt, og tilbakebetaling på studielånet.
(Sist oppdatert: januar 2007, med bilder)
Here kaenda more Snax! I now live on Singsaker in Trondheim and goes on 3.årskurs, Technical Cybernetics and about soon as 2 years I might have finished and can then hopefully begin working on something fun, and get the opportunity to pay society back in the form of labor, tax, ... etcetra...
Venner i Tr.h
Venner "all-over"
Familien min
Skriv i gjestebok
Se i gjestebok
Dette er altså hjemmesiden min. Her kan en finne bilder av venner(i uorden og ikke oppdatert), filmer, en gjestebok(som ikke virker) og etterhvert kanskje enda mer snax! Jeg bor nå på Singsaker i Trondheim og går på 3.årskurs, Teknisk Kybernetikk og om snart 2 år er jeg kanskje er ferdig og kan da forhåpentligvis begynne å arbeide med noe gøy, og får anledning til å betale samfunnet tilbake i form av arbeidskraft, skatt, og tilbakebetaling på studielånet.
(Sist oppdatert: januar 2007, med bilder)
Here kaenda more Snax! I now live on Singsaker in Trondheim and goes on 3.årskurs, Technical Cybernetics and about soon as 2 years I might have finished and can then hopefully begin working on something fun, and get the opportunity to pay society back in the form of labor, tax, ... etcetra...
DEXTER -- Series Killer, kill off the Pretty Girl
Fog discovered on Saturn's largest moon Titan
Submitted by Hardeep Sidhu on Sat, 12/19/2009 - 21:25. Featured
Los Angeles, Dec 20 : US scientists have discovered fog moving across the south pole of Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
Titan looks to be the only place in the solar system aside from Earth to have copious quantities of liquid (largely, liquid methane and ethane) on its surface.
The new discovery suggests that Earth and Titan share yet another feature, which is inextricably linked with that surface liquid: common fog, according to researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).
Submitted by Hardeep Sidhu on Sat, 12/19/2009 - 21:25. Featured
Los Angeles, Dec 20 : US scientists have discovered fog moving across the south pole of Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
The new discovery suggests that Earth and Titan share yet another feature, which is inextricably linked with that surface liquid: common fog, according to researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas from the South
And O shit -- the JETS are in the Playoffs....after all
Business is a Game and should be played that way; otherwise it is unhealthy for you.
And now we know what it looks like when history is being unmade.To correct one thing, history actually was made Sunday. The Colts became the first 14-1 team to be booed off its home field.
His players already knew that. Inside, they were booing him, too. Later, they followed the company line, saying they preferred resting to working. Stuff like that.
They lied. These players wanted history. They worked for it. They earned it.
And their coach and president threw it away.
It was a boneheaded decision for so many reasons. As a rule, it's not acceptable for teams or athletes to lose on purpose, and the Colts altered the playoff race. The Jets will probably make it now.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
On the Twelfth Day of Wisdom my true Love gave to Me ::
-- "TWELVE T-Mister-Virtual MOHAWK GRENADES..."
-- one plus ten Mercedes Benz
-- Ten Commercializing Marketeers ---
-- Nine 2009 YouTube Magical Parades...
-- Eight Emotive Rambles ...
-- Seven Works in Progress ...
-- Six Slap Bass Jazz-ists ....
-- Five clever Elves a-Leaping ...
-- Four girls from Hyndsver ...
-- Three non-French-made farm implements ...
-- two Rocket--Men,
-- and a labile Dan-de-li-on on a breeze ..."
On the TWELFTH Day of Wisdom my true love gave to me:
by Pat the Rat, and Herb Teas McGillicudy with the Brigham Young Tabernacle Grand Marty Chorus
It turns out, my true love noticed it is getting harder and harder to keep our teenagers distracted from their urge to emerge on paths of natural selection.
And also the path of youth passes all seven deadly sins. They are part of roadside sags provided as children run by docents who pass out these bracelets for competitions. Yes, it's true, that the seven deadly sins all oppose each other, like human thumbs ...
And while these paths are comically accurate, they also are false positives. However, they do take a validated at least 42 months... so:
That is why mtlvgtm "TWELVE MOHAWK GRENADES..."
And just because one thinks that our final object of obsession is not appropriate, because one doesn't "get it" ....take another look, ... makin' World_of_Warcraft look good -- "WHAT'S YO' GAME ?"
OUCH !! It's not about who I am, it is about who you are, and has been YOU for a decade now. What are you searching for?
The MOHAWK GRENADES are more like prizes, rewarding twelve steps to wisdom.... you kids know the routines.

You spend remarkable hours finding the reason for existence... that is why me and Mr T jump in here to give you your just deserves.... TWELVE MOHAWK GRENADES -- YO!
-- one plus ten Mercedes Benz
-- Ten Commercializing Marketeers ---
-- Nine 2009 YouTube Magical Parades...
-- Eight Emotive Rambles ...
-- Seven Works in Progress ...
-- Six Slap Bass Jazz-ists ....
-- Five clever Elves a-Leaping ...
-- Four girls from Hyndsver ...
-- Three non-French-made farm implements ...
-- two Rocket--Men,
-- and a labile Dan-de-li-on on a breeze ..."
On the TWELFTH Day of Wisdom my true love gave to me:
by Pat the Rat, and Herb Teas McGillicudy with the Brigham Young Tabernacle Grand Marty Chorus
It turns out, my true love noticed it is getting harder and harder to keep our teenagers distracted from their urge to emerge on paths of natural selection.
And also the path of youth passes all seven deadly sins. They are part of roadside sags provided as children run by docents who pass out these bracelets for competitions. Yes, it's true, that the seven deadly sins all oppose each other, like human thumbs ...
And while these paths are comically accurate, they also are false positives. However, they do take a validated at least 42 months... so:
That is why mtlvgtm "TWELVE MOHAWK GRENADES..."
And just because one thinks that our final object of obsession is not appropriate, because one doesn't "get it" ....take another look, ... makin' World_of_Warcraft look good -- "WHAT'S YO' GAME ?"
OUCH !! It's not about who I am, it is about who you are, and has been YOU for a decade now. What are you searching for?
The MOHAWK GRENADES are more like prizes, rewarding twelve steps to wisdom.... you kids know the routines.

You spend remarkable hours finding the reason for existence... that is why me and Mr T jump in here to give you your just deserves.... TWELVE MOHAWK GRENADES -- YO!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
11th Day of wisdom ::
On the eleventh day of wisdom
my true love gave to me
one plus ten
mercedes benz
my friends I know
all got Porch'es
i guess we're
on the mends
Jesus din't hang
with Pharisees, no, no
he hung with people,
folks like you and me
folks at weddings
and fondue dinners
and toasts with Guiness
and roasts with goats
and all night benders
sweet scented candles
and midnight rambles
and He prayed judicious --
don't you think me ridiculous
did' 'cha think me a wee bit raw
Jesus ... he's the man by yards,
Jesus ... with me very own Paw
would've played friendly cards --
Then skate up Tony Hawks,
hang a 720 ... while TEXTING large...
Hanging ten, making us fishers of men
eleven is that number
that begs one more for twelve
but Porsche, Benz, and a bumper
of course of Chevrolet's
just fine for elevens
no more will i crave...
Jesus is three out'ta one
and sure e'nuff din't hang
with no Pharisee, none a'non
don' be you dawdling
While He the Lord Jesus Christ in swaddling,
is hanging with Sanford and Son
High quality live track from the Big Brother & Holding Company album.
Catchy as hell song!
You come around here
Trying to make your demand.
You've got a need, darling,
I've seen it grow and expand.
Yeah, you want to reveal my life
With your own two hands.
Well, tell me now
What are you trying to do ?
Those holes in your life
Show what you require.
You're needin' new eyes,
Oh Lord, honey take any wire ?
Yeah you've gotta save us all
Before the next big fire.
Tell me now
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
What are you trying to do ?
Walked in my life,
Child, and I don't even
know your name.
You put others around behind ya
As if they were lame.
You insist a simple feeling
Will be all the same.
Well, tell me now
What are you trying to do ?
Now I look like I'm suffering,
N-n-n-n-n-n-now I'm doing fine.
One look at yourself baby,
Child, I got you alive.
Yeah, you're gonna
take care of yours,
I'll take care of mine.
What are you trying to do ?
And Now a Word from our Sponsors :: Urban Word Dictionary
December 23: Christmas Eve Eve
The day before Christmas Eve, 2 days before Christmas.
"Stay away from the malls on Christmas Eve Eve."
"Today is Christmas Eve Eve."
Have a Manly PowerPoint Christmas Eve,Eve, you'se guys and gals.
Click on the sentence above :: then click No Slide Title
Download (2090K)
The day before Christmas Eve, 2 days before Christmas.
"Stay away from the malls on Christmas Eve Eve."
"Today is Christmas Eve Eve."
Have a Manly PowerPoint Christmas Eve,Eve, you'se guys and gals.
Click on the sentence above :: then click No Slide Title
Download (2090K)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
10th Day of Wisdom :: Top Three of Ten Commercial Marketeers 2009 Sell Outs
We Can't Re-Write History that Won't Right itself... (pdaf)
by Pat Darnell and the House
On the Tenth Day of Wisdom, my true love gave to me 'Ten Commercial Marketeers ---' three of whom are ::
Nov 2007
New Orleans knows how to parade and they know when to be serious. Senator and Presidential Candidate John Edwards spoke to an enthuastic crowd on climate change and then to highlight the National Day of Climate Change we all marched on the Super Dome where choppers flew overhead as marchers spelled out climate change messages.
September 3, 2008
Going Rogue, An American Life: autographed by Sarah Palin
Limited Autographed Hardcover Edition, Sarah Palin is currently signing additional copies. Books ship December 22nd. Please select FedEx 2-Day or Overnight for Christmas Delivery.
Autographed Hardcover + Leather Collector's Box $40.00
This Special Edition copy of Going Rogue has been personally Autographed by Sarah Palin and made exclusively available to you by:
*One year ago, Sarah Palin burst onto the national political stage like a comet. Yet even now, few Americans know who this remarkable woman really is.
*On September 3, 2008 Alaska Governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention that electrified the nation and instantly made her one of the most recognizable women in the world.
December 16, 2009MAY 21, 2009 December 16, 2009
No real healthcare reform? Blame Dems/Obama - Update #5
The Democratic Party controls both the house and the senate and not by a small margin. Their failure to pass a bill that actually does something to reform healthcare is because of the failure of their leadership to crack the whip and whip the votes from within their own party ranks.
Pres. Barry Obama is the leader of the Dem Party, 2009.
Speaker of the House Pelosi should have started threatening positions on committees, knocking heads, and letting recalcitrant members know they would be out in the cold come the 2010 election cycle. But instead she pandered and allowed the bill to become a gutted shadow that is a windfall for the insurance industy. The Republicans are not to blame in this instance. Look to the Democratic Party.
The year 2009 brought commercial development out of posthumous corporations, and rivaled the cost to send a flange to the International Space Station, $500 million one way. Dollars spent on mergers of famous people and brand crap is incalculable; and probably won't be measured until sometime next year, 2010.
4) Kid Rock and Fatheads ... [HERE]
5) Wines that Rock and Pink Floyd among other aged-prime, Carbon-neutral Brands... [HERE]
6) London Underground's Busker's on holiday Payroll and Coca Cola Jingles ... [HERE]
7) Kiss's flim-flam man: Gene Simmons, and a jargon brand of the "I am INDY"... [HERE]
8) The Marley Name and Protecting the Legacy, at a half billion dollars a year ... [HERE]
9) Warner Brothers--WB, plus Nashville, plus Nascar's BAM Racing and "skeleton envy"... re-building from the "bones" up... [HERE]
10) Google, faceBook, YouTube and the universe bubbles out getting ready to be gobbled up and spewed out into a BIG BANG of commercial developments hovering around IDEA generation by every MAN\WOMAN\CHILD
I dare any of you, go ahead defend yourself without cursing :
by Pat Darnell and the House
On the Tenth Day of Wisdom, my true love gave to me 'Ten Commercial Marketeers ---' three of whom are ::
Nov 2007
New Orleans knows how to parade and they know when to be serious. Senator and Presidential Candidate John Edwards spoke to an enthuastic crowd on climate change and then to highlight the National Day of Climate Change we all marched on the Super Dome where choppers flew overhead as marchers spelled out climate change messages.
September 3, 2008
Going Rogue, An American Life: autographed by Sarah Palin
Limited Autographed Hardcover Edition, Sarah Palin is currently signing additional copies. Books ship December 22nd. Please select FedEx 2-Day or Overnight for Christmas Delivery.
Autographed Hardcover + Leather Collector's Box $40.00
This Special Edition copy of Going Rogue has been personally Autographed by Sarah Palin and made exclusively available to you by:

*On September 3, 2008 Alaska Governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention that electrified the nation and instantly made her one of the most recognizable women in the world.
December 16, 2009MAY 21, 2009 December 16, 2009
No real healthcare reform? Blame Dems/Obama - Update #5
The Democratic Party controls both the house and the senate and not by a small margin. Their failure to pass a bill that actually does something to reform healthcare is because of the failure of their leadership to crack the whip and whip the votes from within their own party ranks.

Speaker of the House Pelosi should have started threatening positions on committees, knocking heads, and letting recalcitrant members know they would be out in the cold come the 2010 election cycle. But instead she pandered and allowed the bill to become a gutted shadow that is a windfall for the insurance industy. The Republicans are not to blame in this instance. Look to the Democratic Party.
... when will it ever end, oh, when will we e-h-ver learn ...?
Fantastic commercial deals in 2009 don't end with the three named above -- oh no. That is why we now turn to Trend Spotter genius found in the "Brand Plays On" department at *
4) Kid Rock and Fatheads ... [HERE]
5) Wines that Rock and Pink Floyd among other aged-prime, Carbon-neutral Brands... [HERE]
6) London Underground's Busker's on holiday Payroll and Coca Cola Jingles ... [HERE]
7) Kiss's flim-flam man: Gene Simmons, and a jargon brand of the "I am INDY"... [HERE]
8) The Marley Name and Protecting the Legacy, at a half billion dollars a year ... [HERE]
9) Warner Brothers--WB, plus Nashville, plus Nascar's BAM Racing and "skeleton envy"... re-building from the "bones" up... [HERE]
10) Google, faceBook, YouTube and the universe bubbles out getting ready to be gobbled up and spewed out into a BIG BANG of commercial developments hovering around IDEA generation by every MAN\WOMAN\CHILD
I dare any of you, go ahead defend yourself without cursing :
Monday, December 21, 2009
NORAD and MooPig team up with Kelly Ripa for this Christmas Message
Videos click here: NORAD tracks Santa YouTube Presentation
Santa Cams are ultra-cool, high-tech, high-speed digital cameras pre-positioned at many locations around the world only on Christmas Eve. The cameras capture images and videos of Santa and his reindeer as they make their journey around the world.
Come back to this LINK on December 24 to see Santa fly!
9th Day of Wisdom :: MTLGTM ... Nine 2009 youTube Magic Presentations of Parades Telling us what Leadership Really Means...
Previously in the mid-morning rambles, there starts true love everywhere, blossoming... it's a tradition: girls know -- every guy looks good at 3 AM
by Patrick Darnell and Mud D Slide
Celebrating the Advent of YouTube '09: a miracle of Internet ... Our Internet -- no less a Maturing Organism ... as first line journalists we are finding new ways to publish what really matters.
... and friends, Parades matter here today...
On the ninth day of wisdom my true love gave to me:
... Nine '09 youTube Magic Presentations ...
-- Eight Emotive Rambles, Creating Eight Votive Ambitions...
-- Seven Works in Progress ...
-- Six Slap Bass Jazz-ists ....
-- Five clever Elves a-Leaping ...
-- Four girls from Hyndsver ...
-- Three non-French-made farm implements ...
-- two Rocket--Men,
-- and a labile Dan-de-li-on on breezes ..."
by Patrick Darnell and Mud D Slide
Celebrating the Advent of YouTube '09: a miracle of Internet ... Our Internet -- no less a Maturing Organism ... as first line journalists we are finding new ways to publish what really matters.
... and friends, Parades matter here today...
On the ninth day of wisdom my true love gave to me:
... Nine '09 youTube Magic Presentations ...
-- Eight Emotive Rambles, Creating Eight Votive Ambitions...
-- Seven Works in Progress ...
-- Six Slap Bass Jazz-ists ....
-- Five clever Elves a-Leaping ...
-- Four girls from Hyndsver ...
-- Three non-French-made farm implements ...
-- two Rocket--Men,
-- and a labile Dan-de-li-on on breezes ..."
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Not Suitable for Children -- ATT 3Gs iPhone -- Commercial Sponsor Break ....
Heap BIG Jew-fro-DUDE say :: "And Bob's your Uncle... "
Back to our twelve days of Wisdom ---- like me Pappy say: "Many a true word is spoke in Jest..."
and, Unknown Hinson would likey this one:
Back to our twelve days of Wisdom ---- like me Pappy say: "Many a true word is spoke in Jest..."
8th Day of Wisdom :: I receive --
... Eight Emotive Rambles, Creating Eight Votive Ambitions ...
-- Seven Works in Progress ...
-- Six Slap Bass Jazz-ists ....
-- Five clever Elves a-Leaping ...
-- Four girls from Hyndsver ...
-- Three non-French-made farm implements ...
-- two Rocket--Men,
-- and a labile Dan-de-li-on on a breeze ..."
Eight Emotive Rambles, Creating Eight Ambitions
by Pat Dazneil and A'Roma Addicks, with Mike
Based loosely on a movie "Danny Deckchair:"
Pat and Mike converse:
1) Pat: Emo Babble once said if you live on the upper floor, you can always have a country piss off your balcony. and i know you will get me into a circle of strangers to expose me for what I am ... You know my best friend Rick? I think I just realized something, you know... and you are in a twelve steppin' addnoid group, and state run therefore limited in your ability to perform in religious church capacity, even if we wanted to... underfunded, and you will tell me what I'm not... and we will resume the mad ness. ... did I ever tell you i have two madness hours a day ? It is 4AM to 5AM every morning... 4 PM to 5 PM every afternoon ... it is the time I am most livid... and mad and eat up.... I hate Houston, it is like a pit of Hell ... then all of a sudden there's a stark metal and glass monolith springing up from no where... the Houston skyline looks like a decaying molar... I hear Houston is a great place to be FROM...!
2) Mike: I am going mad... listening to you. AACCCKKK! you said stuff like that your whole life long. did you ever get tot the bottom of that ladder? ... did you get a postitraction hoist to the root of your problem?
Pat: NO! I missed all that, what is that?
3) Pat: They gave me a label, they gave me a pill, they gave me a boardwalk, and I took a spill.
4) Mike: You're NUTS!
Pat: Yeah well a country piss is the most satisfying piss... and if you had a couple of beers that makes it sublime.
Mike: You and your constant obsession with pissing on nature...!
Pat: Well, on the job there isn't always a place to exonerate your wolf scent... besides what do you suppose guys climbing mountains are doing? Do they put their peepee in little bottles shake them up and recycle? Or the moon landings.. those alpha males would've if they could've... we once lived in Des Plaines... near O'hare...
Mike: Okay, Okay, You just babble all day long... but it is okay, because eventually you make some sense. Wolf scent? That's a funny one.
5) Mike: You're wearing a cloth around your head.
Pat: Yeah, well sometimes I have to feed both sides of my mouth...
Mike: Huh?
Pat: Well like 'Danny Deckchair' when he flew in a balloon-borne, deckchair from his back yard in Nullardor and landed in a mercantile town of Clarence .. back in Nullardor, he was a little "bloke" but became the new city's person of Hope, Value, and prosperity... and mirth...
Mike: Huhun huhu ... blurble smack pleeble boffel Emotive Babbler! What the heck is Nullardor, anyway? You are just like 'Cheech and Chong' all rolled into one.
6) Pat: Sisters have done a lot of damage over the years. Just drop in, see for your selves...
Mike: Your sisters are stud hoss's.
Pat: Yea'm, maybe more like stud boss's...
7) Pat: I have to understand this, don't you get it? I have to know things inside out.
8) Mike: Well?
Pat: ---- Well?
Mike: Can you slow down Pat? Everyone needs a little break in the ACTION!
Pat: What action?
Mike: Precisely.
Synopsis "Danny Deckchair"

Danny (Rhys Ifans) is a cement worker looking forward to his long-planned holiday with live-in girlfriend Trudy (Justine Clark). But Trudy has other plans, especially when local TV celebrity Sandy Upman (Rhys Muldoon) shows interest. Danny escapes his suburban prison by blasting into the skies sitting in a deck chair tied with helium-filled balloons. But his escapade blows him far away towards the lush green village of Clarence, where he crashes into the world of Glenda (Miranda Otto), the town’s only parking cop. A change is as good as a holiday they say, and Danny gets change allright. [SOURCE]

Saturday, December 19, 2009
7th Day of Wisdom :: 7 works in progress.... Using Failures to Succeed
On the Seventh Day of Wisdom my true love gave to me, 7 works in progress.... seven scars .. seven quests... I failed every test, not just the seven.
Has it occurred with anyone else this year past of 2009, that the number seven, as a number, has a larger than life presence every where.
If you say "No..." :: I say Craps !!
Jewish and Christian faiths have seven days of creation as the basis for Life. Seven also relates to the end times of those recorded faiths, as seven seals of the scrolls concerning the end-times of humanity.
Also that relates to the seven spirits of Lord God the Father Almighty Creator. This is not about numerologies nor theomatics, nor Bible Code. This is about seven works in progress.. eh?
Each day a basket of life and spirit was "spoke" into existence, during the seven days of Creation in Judea-Christa belief. And if I am going to gamble, I sure better know the odds.
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